What are the odds? Believe it or not, Environment Canada does a calculation, for each of Canada's major centers, based on 45 years of weather data, of the possibility of a White Xmas. Here are some of their most current results (in no particular order, other than that, as in so many things, TO comes first):
Toronto 57%
Saskatoon 98%
Vancouver 11%
Victoria 11%
Calgary 59%
Edmonton 88%
Regina 91%
Winnipeg 98%
Fredericton 85%
Charlottetown 87%
Halifax 59%
Quebec City 100%
Montreal 80%
Ottawa 83%
...and etc. Not looking good anywhere but the Prairie, but Environment Canada will be updating these numbers as we approach the big day.
Guess it doesn't snow in Quebec!? ;0
Whoopsie! Added Montreal and Que. City.
Our capital?
Posted Ottawa. There is a clickable link in the body of the main story to all results.
Jesus! Its a blog, If you want 100% accuracy, watch FOX.
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