
Monday, May 01, 2006

Three Trading Days Later, the Market Doesn't Like Softwood Lumber Deal

Here are the day's closing for four of the larger companies said to be especially affected by the Harper softwood lumber deal.

Western Forest Products ended the day at $2.25, down 11 cents or 4.66% on 36,631 shares.

Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. ended the day at $4.80, down two cents or 0.41% on 1,503,656

Tembec Inc. ended the day at $1.73, down 22 cents or 11.28% on 1,065,626 shares.

Canfor Corporation ended the day at $14.31, down 39 cents or 2.65% on 528,829 shares.

Not so good. Further, just eye-balling the charts at the TSX site, it looks like only Canfor Corporation is up significantly from a month ago. The other three are either down or about the same.

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