
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

DonationGate Redux

Meaghan and Walks With Coffee seem to have taken a break on this, but their research is starting to pay off. CTV, heavily sourcing the Vancouver Sun, has a "state o' the scandal" piece today on its website. From the story:

1) All of the parties engaged in similar practices in the past:

But unlike the Tories, who continued to promote the scheme to help defray delegate expenses at their 2005 convention, the two opposition parties say they stopped the practice in 2004 after political financing laws were overhauled.

2) While the NDP and Libs moved to comply with the new laws, the Tories kept on swapping:

E-mails obtained by the Vancouver Sun have indicated that some Conservatives were using cheque-swapping to defray their expenses for the party's 2005 policy convention.

"I can tell you that all EDAs (electoral district associations) in Alberta are doing the cheque-swap," advised Red Deer Tory organizer Linda Toews in one e-mail.

3) So far, the CPC's explanation has been to blame the locals:

Mike Donison, the Conservatives' executive director, has said the party had no knowledge that local organizers were using cheque-swapping and did not approve or condone the practice.

4) The Party is also being investigated for "failing to disclose as donations as much as $2 million in delegate fees to the 2005 convention", and they have still refused to hand over their convention books to Elections Canada:

Elections Canada spokeswoman Valerie Hache said : "An offer was made by the party to provide us with the required information on the matter." She added that [Elections Canada] "will make a public statement when he deems it appropriate."

And we will all be waiting. BWAHH!-HAH!-HAH!-HAH!


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM


    Can't even manufacture a scandal.

    If you want a good scandal, you have to be a Liberal, the best liars, cheats & thieves this side of a Middle East flee market.

    Getting desperate to change the channel their buddy ??

    Wonder when the RCMP will finish their Adscam investigations

    Wonder where the missing $40 million is ??

  2. About half the missing 40 million is under my bathroom sink. I'm handing it out to my favorite blogers. None for you, Tory boy.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    How 'bout a piece on 'Honest Joe' Volpe and "MembershipGate".

  4. Nowhere have I heard it suggested that Honest Joe broke the law.

  5. Anonymous4:36 PM

    accepting cheques written in crayon from kids may not, technically, be against the law, but everyone but you & Joe saw it as a clear transgression, a conspiracy to circumvent the law.

    Illegal, no.

    Immoral, yes.

    Another fine Liberal you are protecting there buddy.

    Just what Canada needs, more immoral Liberals with their hands in the public purse.

    Y'all are entitled to you entitlements afterall.

  6. Of course Cheque swapping has the distinction of being both immoral and illegal.

    And this happened before Harper even got in! Its like Tories are corrupt even before they come into power.

  7. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Tories love to creat allegations. How about these 'rumours'... What about the donations Harpor accepted from the US for his first leadership run? How about the mud involving McKay's leadership campaign debt and who made it disappear? What about all the corporate check-swapping the Tories have been hiding thru 'loyal donations' by grannie and grampa joneses... Boy, when the key to that book falls in the right hands, mr 'Accountability' (already can't say it without sniggering) will be picking up his ball and huffing into a corporate executive leather chair.
