
Sunday, July 09, 2006

New Book Claims Tory's Won by Being Liberal, Liberals Lost by Being Tory

In How Ottawa Spends: In from the Cold The Tory rise and the Liberal Demise (which rhymes), G. Bruce Doern writes that "Harper's agenda is more Liberal than Conservative in terms of public spending". In addition, the Martin economic plan from November 2005 "was actually "Tory-lite" in its orientation because of a range of promised tax cuts and an innovation agenda."

So Tories win by acting like Liberals and Liberals lose by selling out. Any Iggynistas out there listening?

By the way, that gimmick by the Ignatieff youth team, buying an old Volkswagon Van and touring around in it, is truly puke worthy: a Con in Lib clothing trying to exploit the old hippy symbols. I'm surprised Timothy Leary hasn't risen from his grave and knocked a few heads together.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    All I can say is that Paul Martin and Jean Chretien kicked Brian Muldoon's ass in the 'fiscal conservative' department all those years ago, but managed to have some common sense when it came to their social policy. I mean, what the heck-why not try to strangle hecklers in the crowd with the press watching?

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    liberals lost because the campaigned against the USA/George Bush. Their hate campaign was a disaster of organiztion, message creation and unity.

    and because the LPC is a lying skank-fest of thieves, bagmen and other assorted political hacks that ordinary Canadians took great delight in kicking in the nuts with their votes

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The Liberals lost because of "scandal" that was blamed on all Liberals instead of a few bad apples and those bad apples were not all Liberal...a few Conservatives in with them. Also Harper put tape on every Conservartive's mouth during the ekection so they would not mess him up.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Yeah, and no Conservatives have been named in that 'scandal' in NFLD...

  5. Anonymous6:00 PM

    By the way, that gimmick by the Ignatieff youth team, buying an old Volkswagon Van and touring around in it, is truly puke worthy

    Oh, God. Tell me Iggy didn't do this. Is that man (the respected human rights professor who thinks torture is an interesting intellectual exercise and that Empire-lite is a valuable contribution to real democracy) completely divorced from reality?

  6. I don't hear much about it, but wasn't Chuck Guite a big fixture in the Mulroney government, whom Jean Chretien decided to keep around??

    Good gawd, you don't suppose the Cons were doing little scams themselves...???

    Not that I will ever make excuses for the Chretien government. How the PM could not know what was going on in his own office is beyond me.

    But that was then. We are not living in the past, any more than the Cons are. They have enough to do rationalising what PMS does these days.

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    If Volpe wins with his slime ball tactics it will simply prove the LPC as sleaze and corruption ridden as ever. (Chuck Guite out on bail your brown envelope in the mail.) Iggy knows that 'flower children' vote in high numbers , gen x,y,zers minds rotted out by rap and hiphop don't give a frig, perfect serfs.

    Forza Ruski 2010!

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Iggy, Volpe, Brison . . . . wow !!

    waaaayyy past scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

    pathetic leadership for a has-been party.

    live by corruption, die by the voter's choice

  9. Anon,

    Actually those kinds of remark hurt much less since Donationgate. Now the Libs and Tories have achieved moral parity, and Tory policies still suck.

  10. Anonymous12:17 PM

    "since Donationgate. Now the Libs and Tories have achieved moral parity, "

    This comment proves you have learned absolutely nothing.
