
Friday, September 01, 2006

Another Bum Poll For the Tories (But Good News for Greens)

From Decima, via

The survey found 33 per cent support for the Tories among decided voters across the country compared with the 36.3 per cent they won in January.

The Liberals had 28 per cent, down from the election showing of 30.2 per cent.

The NDP was at 19 per cent, above their election night 17.5 per cent. The Bloc was holding steady at 10 per cent.


The findings also suggested that the Green Party has doubled its support to eight per cent from its 4.5 per cent election night showing.

Again, foreign policy appears to be the reason:

The recent fighting in the Middle East may also have troubled voters, more in the context of American foreign policy and the relationship between the Tories and Washington than in anything in particular the Canadian government has done.


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