Warren muses about the sorry state of the T.O. Star, and even provides an e-mail address if you want to dish dirt on the newspaper's financial troubles (wkinsella@hotmail.com)
The thing is, Warren, I've been speaking with your General Editor at the National Post about what happens after it goes tits-up and restructures. Apparently, they'll be looking for journalists that can work for cheap and do a better job than the current collection of crayon wielding hacks. I told him I could eat a bowl of beans and fart a better column then yours, and he was impressed.
Bottom line: clean out your desk and get the porn off your computer, Kinsella, cuz BigCityLib is moving in.
Mind you, General Ed says there will always be a place for you at the paper. But you'll have to buy your own canvas carrying bag.
(PS. D'you know the only suggestion the Blogger spell check offers for "Kinsella" is "Senseless"?)
Hilarious as always, BCL!