
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Buy Harper Lunch

I suppose I should post on this, as everybody else is.

I think the Liberal Party of Canada should buy Harper lunch. This issue was a time bomb waiting to go off at their convention, and it seems to me that Harper just defused it for them. They should back the motion and shelve the resolution.

As an Iggy hater, I don't see how this helps him. His people will trumpet it, but if you're a delegate going to that convention you know in your heart this was just a lucky break at the end of a chain of screw-ups by the Ignatieff campaign. One cannot assume or hope that Iggy's future screw-ups will turn out to be as happily.

As for the motion itself, as long as its vacuous I'm for it. Call the Quebecois whatever they want as long as it doesn't imply any special breaks.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    As an Iggy hater, I don't see how this helps him"

    You just gave an answer to your query/point.


  2. Anonymous8:30 PM

    It is my sense that Dion (Mr. Unity)may have played a lead role in the Harper announcement. See latest post at "Murphy's Point"

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    It is my sense that Dion (Mr. Unity)may have played a lead role in the Harper announcement. See latest post at "Murphy's Point"
    No...this is going to sink Iggy. The MSM is pointing their collective fingers at him right now.
