
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Apocalyptic Sights in the Skies Over Illinois

Doom, Baby?

The kid in the video thinks he's seeing a UFO, but it's probably ball lightning (or a total fabrication, which I guess you can never rule out). Adding to the generally freaky atmosphere is Johnny Cash singing "When the Man Comes Around" on the soundtrack.

DOOM, BABY, DOOM!!! Xmas may be just around the corner, but The End is always just around the corner. The Whirlwind is in the Thorn Tree, Baby! as Johnny says. And the Virgins are Trimming Their Wicks!

h/t to Dr. Fong.

PS. Didn't see anything too interesting in the news today. Let me know if anyone needs reaming out that I missed.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that Johnny Cash tune had the same effect at the begining of the remake of Dawn of the Dead (the one with Sarah Polly, filmed in Vaughn, ON)
