
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fat Cop, No Donut

From CTV:

TORONTO -- Jokes about cops and doughnuts might be the reflex reaction to a new survey that shows nearly two-thirds of Toronto Police Service workers are overweight...

Although I am not the one to tell those jokes. For years I swore that a 34 inch waist was where The Great Expansion would end, even if I had to give up both beer and pizza. 34 inches was going to be my "line in the flab", as it were, that would never be crossed. This year, however, my 43rd on the planet, I've surrendered an inch. All my old blue-jeans went into the Goodwill bin before they harmed my testes. Thank God I've stabilized since the Spring; 36" is not yet in sight.

And the weird thing is, when I went in for my annual check-up about a month ago, the doctor's scale said I'd dropped a lb or two. It seems that as I age I am becoming rounder and less dense.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I know what you mean. As I enter the middle ages my reach only exceeds my grasp at the dinner table.
    I gave my green suit to Goodwill because people kept trying to mow me.
