
Friday, April 27, 2007

Peter MacKay's Double Standard

On Wednesday, Peter MacKay got angry in the HOC, after some Liberal bully referred to Defense Minister Gordon O'Connor as a chicken. He said:

I just heard something in the House from a former finance minister who has called the Minister of National Defence a chicken. This is a man who has served his country in uniform for over 30 years!

And yet he previously referred to Belinda Stronach as a dog, even though she too served her country, or at least Peter MacKay's end of it, and even though it was only for two or three minute intervals and entirely sans uniform.

What a hypocrite!


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Why aren't Dijon and and Layton demanding that all Taliban detainees be granted refugee status in Canada? Canada's multicultural mosaic would benefit by expanding the envelope to include murderous Stone age religious barbarians, which Canada is sorely lacking (no doubt due to racist white Conservative policies!). I would also suggest that these detainees be allowed to work with some of the feminist and gay activist groups to help them become better and more tolerant members of society. If we just hug them enough, and don't let them get their hands on any sharp objects, I'm sure we can enlighten them into good little progressives. Who will no doubt vote Liberal in future.

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    anon 11:10:

    Just so everyone knows, I'm the one that wrote the above comment. It was a joke intended to parody the ridiculous straw-man reasoning that is typical of the intellectually vacuous arm of the right-wing punditia.

  3. You also beautifully captured the sheer dullness of conservative commentary in its constant invocation of the same humourless tropes that were never, ever witty. "Dijon." "Taliban lovers." Yeah, my fucking sides are splitting. These people cannot come up with anything new to save their lives.

    But they will blab on relentlessly, like the obnoxious drunken frat boys they are.

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Wow, the superiority complexes are in high gear today . . .

  5. funny, after reading the first comment i thought to myslef: do these conservative trolls think that is what passes for humour??? i can never tell if they are angry or just trying to be an unfunny way. it is the humour of (m)ann coulter and rush limbaugh, trotting out talking points for the agreeers to nod their heads and laugh in a condescending way at the stupid liberal bogeyman singing kumbaya while munching on their granola, praying for mother gaia to deliver world peace in an eco-utopia. haha

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    It's too coherent. You've got the general trend of rightwinger thought alright, but you have expressed it too well. :)

  7. Wow, the superiority complexes are in high gear today . .

    High gear? I'm barely awake.

  8. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Dog comment never proven.
