
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Elizabeth May Insults Stephen Harper, Tories Appalled

In fact, they're so chuffed they sent out an anonymous spokesman (oh so brave!) to hurl a bit of mud at the Green Party Leader:

[Comparing Stephen Harper's stance on climate change to Neville Chamberlains appeasement of the Nazis] is an outrageous comment to make that just goes to show how desperate she is for attention. She is obviously doing the dirty work for Stephane Dion.

Gracious me! The same party that brands you a Taliban supporter for wondering why Canada turns over Afghan prisoners to known torturers is taking umbrage at some harsh language! Presumably they're whispering "bully!" in the back benches; maybe Mr. Harper himself has collapsed into the arms of his psychic hair-dresser and she's holding him close as he weeps.

h/t to Political Staples.


  1. Bürger Harper: "Say trez injoost!"

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I think I hear her career fizzling.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I worry that May is trying to make a joke of the Green Party.


    nice to see the PMO has the same courage as their online anonymous minions.

  5. Ottawa Citizen May1/07
    ..Liberal MP Glen Pearson, who invited Ms. May, an Anglican minister-in-training, to speak to his church after defeating her in the byelection in the London NorthCentre riding,
    likened the Green party leader to an Old Testament prophet.

    However, Mr. Pearson said yesterday that he was not comfortable with Ms. May's Nazis analogy and he believed it perhaps *crossed the line for proper discourse in a church.

    "Canadians need to get more serious about it, but the whole link to the Nazis over that went beyond the pale, for me.
    You have to be careful there. We have all messed up on the environment, right?" Mr. Pearson said.

    "I just didn't think that analogy was probably the best one that could have been used."

    In her sermon, May also did the Garden of Eden thing, and praise the Lord for creation....
    I guess Libs won't be spewing the 'religious right' talking points in the next election, eh!

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Here's what I don't get about you liberals. You claim to want to reduce carbon emmissions yet you never suggest the easiest step of eliminating the immigration of 200K more carbon emmitting immigrants every year.

  7. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anon 5:41 - what a disgusting comment. What can we expect from a CPC supporter. Sick and disgusting.

    The Nazi analogy was wrong and she should apologize.

    The evangelical might be becuase of Jerry Falwell and James Dobson in the U.S who don't believe in climate change and are angry with some of the evangelicals who want to save the earth God provided. Dobson and Falwell have great influence on the Bush Whitehouse - so this party doesn't upset me.

    Hey, now the Pope wants to go green.

  8. Loved the quote today from a Con defence Minister staffer: "If any of you give credit to the rumour that MND will reign will look studip [sic]. It is not true he will NOT resign."

    These guys really need some PR help

  9. Anonymous9:27 AM

    No, she's from the religions Left, which is okay by the MSM Liberalocracy, as long as you don't get really religiousy.

  10. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Anon 7:52pm

    "Anon 5:41 - what a disgusting comment. What can we expect from a CPC supporter. Sick and disgusting."

    Well once again we see a liberal resort to the last refuge of the outargued the insult. Of course I didn't expect any better, I'll make my statement again and maybe one of you liberal dullards will respond with "that's too simplistic".

    Here's what I don't get about you liberals. You claim to want to reduce carbon emmissions yet you never suggest the easiest step of eliminating the immigration of 200K+ more carbon emmitting immigrants every single year.
