
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stockwell Speaks

Stockwell Day's Penticton Western News column is up, and its all about the detainee situation around Kandahar. Frankly, the Tories changing story has me confused, so I can't really tell how much of this is on the up-and-up. If you find any egregious falsehoods, let me know.

7:00 update: as Darren notes in the comments, Stockwell accuses "Stephan" Dion of wanting to build a prison for Taliban in Canada. Is he just stupid, or deliberately Anglicizing the name to make Dion sound more "white" for his readers?


  1. I'm not reading Day's retarded crap. I stopped listening to Reform-a-Tory liars a long time ago.

  2. Its good because its retarded. He usually says something stupid enough I can get a post out of it. Like a slam dunk every Weds.

  3. Ti-guy,

    I read it and now I'm dumb :(

    But seriously was "Stephan Dion" a newspaper typo or a Stockwellism?

  4. You should win a prize, Darren. If I'd noticed that this would have been a much funnier post.

  5. Is he just stupid, or deliberately Anglicizing the name to make Dion sound more "white" for his readers?

    Is this a joke? Aren't French Canadian's white generally speaking?

    If he wanted to Anglicize the name, it would probably be Stephen, since I don't think Stephan is a real name. I'm quite sure that it was a typo, or at worst, he's just stupid.

  6. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Man you sure can read a lot into a dropped 'e'.

    By the way, Dion is white, so I don't know how the hell 'Anglicizing' his name will make him whiter. You're grasping, buddy, but not reality.

    Hey ti-guy, will you now be drawing some Stockwell Day Hentai for yourself?

  7. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Hey guys, using the word RETARDED nowadays is done only by insensitive a-holes or neanderthals. Which are you?

  8. Anonymous10:16 PM

