
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Tory Youth Video

Maybe I shouldn't be offering these guys the free publicity, but I doubt it will help, cuz their video sucks pretty badly. I guess it is supposed to suggest the idea of Liberals seeking to rule over a France/Canada in decline, and actually some of the drawn backgrounds are not too badly done. However:

1) The sound sucks, and with all the characters talking back and forth, I don't have much idea of what is going on. An effeminate looking Stephane is talking policy with his "courtiers", and Accountability, The Military, and the GST come up, but I don't intend to watch a third time to actually work through the details of the conversation.

2) If you keep a politics related blog, I suppose that makes you officially a politics Nerd, but I can still only identify about half the characters. Iggy bulks large, and I think Martha Hall Findley is there. The others I am unsure of and, again, I doubt I will watch it again so as to positively ID them.

3) The "kingdom" is supposed to be France (I am guessing), and yet none of the characters speaks with a French accent, not even Stephane, where our young Tories might have milked a vein of cruel humour. (Yes Stephane has been sounding a lot better lately, but have you listened to his face-book greeting? He sounds like someone from Monty Python parodying a Frenchie.)

So: 2 out of five stars. The production values are certainly there (more Tory millions being slung around?), but the content is lacking. And Canada's Tory youth definitely need a humor transplant.

And an h/t to.


  1. Well, it could have been worse. It wasn't irritatingly stupid, just plain dumb. Having Dion and a cast of Liberals parrot the CPC 4 or 5 priorities (or whatever the number is now) and agree that they've been met is merely simple-minded (like checking off a grocery list)...and you can't expect much more from enthusiastic little Konservativjugend.

    I give it a "C." I didn't critique the production values...I'm sure the macaroni, white glue and silver spray paint was all they had.

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I thought it was pretty funny

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I like it. A little rough, but pretty good.

    I'm still at a loss to why the young liberals used the Apple commercials as a template for their videos. Everyone likes the Windows guy much better than the Apple guy in the commercials - bar none. I don't know why the Libs would portray themselves as Apple when the world uses Microsoft and really shows no signs of switching.

  4. I don't know why the Libs would portray themselves as Apple when the world uses Microsoft and really shows no signs of switching.

    Oh dear. She thinks the Liberal ad was about computers.

  5. It's a direct rip-off of a routine from "Life of Brian" of course ("What have the Romans ever done for us?" the fractious Jewish activists moan), and therefore draws from a pretty rich vein of Pythonesque humour (note also the music which is from "Holy Grail"), so it's derivative in that respect, but overall kind of amusing and I do like the style, although I think it could have been done more artfully.

    So out of 5 stars, I'd give it a 3. That however doesn't take into consideration the fact that the message is complete BULLSHIT.

  6. I think it's pretty funny. It shows how pathetic the cons are in their attacks.

  7. good point red, but why that bit in the life of brian was funny, was because the romans (and biguth dickuth) had 'actually' improved their lot in life. this cpc, in contrast:
    _has not delivered on their much ballyhooed promise ofaccountability
    -have not gotten 'tough on crime', other than saying they got and are getting "tough on crime" (MHF stating that "it is safer to walk the streets at night" is amuzing in how preposterous and discordant with reality it is...not to mention the implication that it was unsafe to walk the strets at night while the liberals were in power???)
    -'cut taxes'...err, 'raised' taxes on the poorest canadians. gst doesn't count (unless you purchase a car, house, or other uber large purchase). nor do tax credits, as they are expenditures not tax cuts.
    -'choice in childcare': the choice? here's a tax credit, spend it on a small fraction of the cost of childcare or "beer and popcorn"...some choice there.
    -'stengthened the military'; well, they did go spending like a drunken sailor

    i will give them props though, as it at least bore a faint resemblance to humour...which we all know is in extremely limited supply amongst supporters of this gov't.

  8. Anonymous11:31 PM

    The sound sucks, and with all the characters talking back and forth, I don't have much idea of what is going on.

    You must have trouble with the Simpsons as well...

    ...but I can still only identify about half the characters.

    Does one need to identify them all in order to get the message? Not so much...

    ...and yet none of the characters speaks with a French accent, not even Stephane...

    I'm willing to wager that if they used true Dion-speak, no one would understand it...
