
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What In The Name Of All That Is Holy that? If you guessed the London 2012 Olympic Logo, you

1) are a sick and twisted individual, and
2) are correct

Maybe the logic is that the terrorists will leave it alone because they think its already been blown-up.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    UK to terrorists: Don't bother attacking, we're already totally f*cked up.

  2. This looks like another product of the "Cool Britiania...Millenium Dome" sensibility, all thought up by the over-exuberant and giggly Blairites.

    Dead brilliant, as they say.

    Fuck the Olympics.

  3. Actually it looks rather like a tanagram puzzle...

  4. There seem to be quite a few loony and angry anonymii around today. The liquor stores, hotels, and various other booze cans in and around Delisle must be closed today, for some reason.

  5. It’s pretty atrocious.

    Has there ever been a good Olympic logo?

  6. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Product of a nanny-state socialist education, where every answer is the right answer, and nobody gets criticized for producing crap so that their 'self esteem' isn't harmed.

    Chickens, welcome home.

  7. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I see boobies.

  8. Product of a nanny-state socialist education, where every answer is the right answer, and nobody gets criticized for producing crap so that their 'self esteem' isn't harmed.

    This kind of stuff got sad for a while, but it's getting funny again. I think it's finally achieved "camp" status.

    Take a swish, Nonny.

  9. anon 6:07:

    I see boobies too. I always see boobies. But apparently, this has something to do with the Olympics.

  10. Do you think Anon@6:06 is really serious? I can't believe people can actually say such nonsense and not be joking around.

  11. Seriously, that thing is atrocious... it looks like how cavemen would have designed an Olympic logo prior to the written word.

    Here are some alternatives they may or may not have considered for anyone who cares, most of which are also crap, although I'm partial to no. 7.

  12. Olaf,

    And the animated version apparently sends you into convulsions, according to BBC. I might write about that tomorrow.

  13. Anonymous7:23 PM

    "It’s pretty atrocious.

    Has there ever been a good Olympic logo?" (Perhaps with the exception of the Calgary Winter Games.) They've pretty much all been crap, IMO. But this one sets a new craptalogical low...


  14. Anonymous10:37 AM

    red tory, clearly you haven't seen some of the so-called modern art that the Canadian gov't has purchased in the last 30 years.

    Weld some hunks of structural steel together and paint it yellow. That'll be $1.2million, please.

  15. red tory, clearly you haven't seen some of the so-called modern art that the Canadian gov't has purchased in the last 30 years.


    Ok...Who picked Anonymous rednecked rube mentions 'Voice of Fire' at 11:37 AM, June 6, 2007 in yesterday's troll non-sequitur poll?
