
Friday, September 21, 2007

Refuting The Tiny Denier

Back in May 15 year old Kristen Byrnes, the Tiny Denier, predicted an end to the Great Australian Drought. The Warmocaust Collusionists ate it up; in fact the folks at Climate Audit treated her as a prophet. Well its September and:

Australia's once-in-a-century drought has tightened its grip on the country's major food growing zone and could kill off the region's orchards and vineyards, Prime Minister John Howard said Friday.

Looks like you fluffed that one, kid. And what are you doing chillin' with all those baldy-headed, dirty old Deniers anyhow? Shouldn't you be out rebelling, listening to that shitty youth music kids today like? Bad Child, Bad!!


  1. Gawd, I hate the Internet. A pubescent twit with stage parents being taking seriously by a fraudulent media watchdog.

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I wonder if Australia is going to stop immigration seeing how there is a water shortage or do they still need more Lebs for gangraping white women?

  3. Anonymous1:54 PM

    She's still got better credentials and an understanding of science than most of you kool-aid drinkers.

  4. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Mini Me, don't post immediately after BigCityLib puts up a new post. It makes you look like a bigger toady then you already are.

    And easing off the "Tiny Denier" might be in order. A youth who questions authority should be welcomed.

    Ms. Byrnes is rebelling against the staid conformists who abjectly accept every dire AGW scenario preached to them. She will have none of that blind subservience.

    Good for her.

    Paul S

  5. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Sucking up to the big fossil fuel interests and the right-wing is pretty damned conformist, Paul.

  6. Ms. Byrnes is rebelling against the staid conformists who abjectly accept every dire AGW scenario preached to them. She will have none of that blind subservience.

    You peaked in high school too, eh?

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Steve Bloom said:
    Sucking up to the big fossil fuel interests and the right-wing is pretty damned conformist, Paul.

    How lame. Trotting out the Big Oil Boogeyman got tired years ago.

    And picking on a teenager is even lamer.

    Paul S

  8. And picking on a teenager is even lamer.

    Oh, sure...we're supposed to take her seriously on the merits of her scientific rigour, but challenging her is picking on a poor teenager?

    How lame.

  9. Paul S,

    You sure "she" is not her daddy? I'm not 100%.

  10. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Mini Me, you aren't "challenging" Ms. Byrnes, you are dissing her, simply because she doesn't automatically subscribe to your conformist views.

    And bigcitylib, I guess it's possible what you suggest. But if she is who she says she is, good for her; nice to see someone doing a bit of independent thought.

    Paul S

  11. I bet Paul S. comments in panties and a push-up bra.

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Now Mini Me is into posting his sexual fantasies. Lucky us.

    Paul S
