
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tories Elect Rural Seperatist

Randy Hillier turns rebellion into a cushy seat in the Ontario Legislature.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the next leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, red suspenders and all.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Yikes. heard the guy speaking, if you could call it that, on the news last night. Did he even finish elementary? Doesn't sound like he does. So the Pc's are now made up of Agri-terrorists and religious idealogues.


  2. I think it is great that this lunatic is now a key face for the new Progressive Conservative party. Good luck trying to sell swing voters with this guy on the frontburner.

    I've actually had some indirect exposure to this character and his organization. No respect for the law, no respect for established farm practices, a basic vigilante that leads a backward collection of serious wingnuts.

  3. These righties and their costumes... Tucker Carlson and his bow-ties, Don Cherry and his ugly jackets, Bill Van der Zalm's wife's head-bands, Cheryl Gallant's entire wardrobe, Pierre Poilièvre's rubber faces, John Baird's bustles...

  4. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You'd be better off with "Red Green" there, than with the numbnuts you did elect yesterday. Oh well, it's your province going down the drain. Enjoy the spin on the way down!

  5. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Oh, you know, I've had direct dealings with McGuinty both professionally and personally. He is a total wingnut, closet zombie-chasing nutbar, communist zealot and extreme left-wing dictator in sheep's clothing. He really is. No respect for the constitution, private property, or rule of law. He'd invade your home to take your property "for the greater good" in a heartbeat. This guy DEFINES the word 'ideologue'. He is the scariest piece of work to come out of the neo-com factory in a long time. His not-so-secret agenda should terrify you. But you brainless twits don't care how much he lies to you, you still voted him in.




  6. Jesus righties,'re all discombobulated and sounding more cretinous than usual.

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    What the hell is a 'Seperatist'?

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Yes, he is so absolutely terrible that he got elected with more seats. Facts suck, eh?

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    perfect example of a right wing nut, and sub intelectual the right is attracting these days, just look at ur comments, even tory himself did not want to been seen with him in lanark county, only one thing is for sure, as I was watching tvo agenga, the guests mostly agreed the tories are lost in ontario, harris type is dead, and was basicaly lucky to have power because of the time, it will take at least 10 to 12 years for them to get their act together, and wih a fool like hillier, i fully agree.... news keeps on getting great for liberals all over...if like the media is pushing lately, that the harpy and his right are in good shape, then why williams and hillier and tory and all that is pro right, is going down the drain. Dion better get is so called inteligence around this reality, and start, pushing liberal agenda in a positive matter and by-pass the media. If he cant, then get the hell out, because it is the liberals to loose and dion like turner and martin will give harpy a way in through the back door. Just like turner did for mulroney.

  10. Hillier is a hypocrite. He rode in on the Landowners' association, impressing some voters in that riding that he stands up for landowner rights. If you take the time to actually read what he said on behalf of that group, what he really wanted was for businesses to be able to do whatever they wanted on their land without annoying little bits of legislation like Environmental assessments and those under agricultural acts getting in the way. When it came to landowners wanting their rights to a safe environment (on their own land!) protected, that's a different story. An outside company wants to mine on land ajoining mine without going through proper channels? No problem, says randy, it's good for the economy. Native land claims? Well, says Randy, they should not be blocking roads or engaging in civil disobedience.

    Hypocrite, and ignorant on environmental issues.

  11. Anonymous5:53 AM

    y8msO3 Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

  12. Anonymous2:09 PM

    uIRZAn Nice Article.

  13. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Thanks to author.

  14. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Thanks to author.

  15. Anonymous3:22 PM


  16. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Nice Article.

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Thanks to author.
