
Monday, October 15, 2007

What We All Know that, in a televised debate between Stephen Harper and Stephane Dion, it would take scientific instruments to determine who was exuding less charisma.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    These polls are truly ridiculous. An insult actually.

    Funny - Richard Nixon never had charisma and couldn't win so he got an image maker/make person and bingo bang - he won and we all know how that turned out.

  2. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Only Harper's polling numbers dwarf Dion's on the question of who makes the better leader.

    Misery loves company but unfortunately for Dion it's a case of "it's lonely at the bottom."

    The ony thing that can save Dion from his present predicament is to have an election so he can go back to being a snooty academic. That's where he belongs.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    ti-guy: ever the stalinist.

  4. When my sister and I were kids and arguing over who got the bigger piece of something my mother would say "I'll get out the fartometer," a fictitious device she'd conceived for measuring farts and other things too small to be measured by ordinary means.

    I suspect the fartometer would not be up to the task of measuring our leaders' charisma, but fortunately since I was a kid there have been great advances in electron microscopes.

  5. Anonymous queefed:

    ti-guy: ever the stalinist.

    Yes, quite so.
