
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Majority of Canadians Want Mulroney Probed

And this is the probe most would prefer to see used.


  1. Now that's just plain wicked!

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    freshly removed from Steffi's head no doubt, where it was used in a futile search of more than three interconnected brain cells

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    What a joke! I can't wait to see the skeletons that come out of Liberal closets, and to see Mulroney vindicated again! You may hate him, you may loathe him, and you may THINK he did something illegal, but the guy didn't! And that's what is pissing you libbies off to no end, the fact that you hate him but can't pin a damned thing on him!

    "We hate him! He MUST be found guilty of SOMETHING!!!"

    Just like you did with McCarthy.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    While I certainly wish to find out the factual basis for all of the consternation regarding Mr. Mulroney's cash payments and dealings with the (let's face it) ne'er do-well Herr Schreiber, me-thinks the glee with which those viscerally opposed to anything "other than Liberal" should be toned-down a touch and maybe some patience for the inevitable crucifiction of Mr. Mulroney upon his own petard is warranted. Otherwise we appear to be as hell-bent and deranged as any human is, he who would possibly have any inclination to believe that Harper is a nasty,scheming and devilish liar and that Justin is the future saviour of our nation.

  5. Just hope Jason Kenney and Peter Van Loan don't mistake the probe for a drinking straw.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Then Chretien and Martin better be next in line behind him.

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    And Harper in line too.

