
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

SES Speaks!

Federal Deadlock.

CP: 35%
Lib: 34%

Everyone else noise.

Yo! Blogging Tories! Staples! Come on over and suck on my BigCityLiberal!


  1. Wait until the next aberrant poll. It seems rather unlikely the Libs gained 12 points overnight.

  2. Where you getting that "12 point" gain from Raphael? The Liberals have never been that far behind in an SES poll, nor any of the other polls for that matter.

    Only the Ipsos pollsters are claiming that big of a deficit, and they've always been consistently higher with Con support. It's apparent they are the outlier.

  3. Bob Fyfe says a "very interesting poll" will be released tonight.

  4. SES are the only pollsters that matter, they are constantly the most accurate. They called the last federal election almost exactly. I've said it before Ipsos has zero credibility. They are worst in accuracy amonst all polsters. SES has it right, Ipsos is dreaming. There's your twelve point swing. Election don't seem so scary now.

  5. We'll be seeing polls with the Liberal party on top withing a week or two - and for some time to come.

    Can Mulroney do to the CPC what he did to the PCs? It would not surprise me a bit - and it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

  6. This inquiry isn't the coup some Liberal supporters would like to think it is.

    Yeah, it's basically a Mulroney cheerleading piece. But that doesn't invalidate his points. And remember, Mulroney has beaten this thing once before, with a LIBERAL government deciding on the terms of the inquiry.

    Mulroney wouldn't have been so eager to call for this inquiry if he didn't think he could beat it again.

  7. Anonymous12:08 AM

    SES is the only poll that matters:

    Yes by all means lets combine these results with the results of SES just the other day (which you are strangely silent about) which shows Dion plummetting below Layton and Harper with a commanding lead in terms of choice of leader.

    Considering the leader is the most important facet of an election (and virtually all experts and pundits agree that leadership/choice of leader is far more important than party preference which is far more vague and stagnant),

    it seems that you are in fact correct.

    SES is right,

    and they point to the decimation of the Dion led Liberals.

  8. Anonymous12:25 AM

    I think the Liberals should continue to hitch their wagon to a criminal wanted in Germany.

    I think they should continue to assert various senior members of the current cabinet be ousted because they may have been in some way involved in the lawful extradition proceedings of a wanted felon in a freindly state.

    That's good politics.

    Further they should continue to ask for a platform in which the motivations and reasons for the Libs having to pay off Mulroney, be examined in detail, and in public.

    That's also good politics.

  9. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Further they should continue to ask for a platform in which the motivations and reasons for the Libs having to pay off Mulroney, be examined in detail, and in public.

    Hah! Yes, I wonder why Chretien & Co were so eager to pay Mulroney's $2.1 million bill, covering all his court costs, lawyers' fees and PR expenses he accumulated as a result of the first Liberal attempt to nail him. There was definitely some testimony they didn't want coming forth. Add to that the fact that Mulroney seems almost eager to get this inquiry up and running, you've got to wonder what he has up his sleeve. The Liberals might not find this nearly as much fun as they're hoping.

  10. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Eh. Guess it will reveal itself in the next aberrant poll then?

  11. The Liberals might not find this nearly as much fun as they're hoping.

    I don't know why you neocon retards are thinking the Liberals have concluded that this latest installment of Muldoon's perfidy is the opportunity for pay-back, unless, on some unconscious level, you think the Conservatives deserve it.

    Since you're all mostly shitty and awful, I think that's probably the reason right there.

  12. "Mulroney wouldn't have been so eager to call for this inquiry if he didn't think he could beat it again."

    I do not think so. Have you never heard the saying the best defence is a good offence? Back the man into a corner and he comes out swinging. Perhaps he believes with an enquiry he can attack others, thereby hiding his own wrongdoing (should it exist, and I am not saying it does).

    The interesting poll Fife was referring said that 51% of Canadians believe Harper is lying to cover for Mulroney. The majority also believe Mulroney should explain the $300 thousand. In fact, it is a mystery to me why he does not do so if it is so above board. Surely he realizes a plausible explaination will make this whole thing go away.

  13. Mulroney's bluster reminds me most of Conrad Black. He is NOT in control of what happens. Neither is Harper and, needless to say, neither is Dion.

    Martin thought he was taking control by setting up Gomery. He was grossly mistaken.

    This is definitely going to hurt Mulroney's reputation. It is probably going to hurt Harper (not necessarily fairly). It is likely going to help Dion.

    And Cons, within a month, are going to be wishing they still had statistical ties to spin, instead of the Liberals with a five-point lead.
