
Friday, December 21, 2007

BigCityLib, Great White Plumber

The Warrior's Weapons

Having just forked out $160 to have a pro unplug my toilet (note to would-be writers: ballpoints don't flush very well) I was damned if I was going to pay another guy when my kitchen sink went on me three days later. So, armed with this article from Dummies on-line, I got to work and, I am happy to say, successfully unclogged my sink. Along the way, I learned a number of valuable lessons:
1) Liquid Plumber tastes awful, even after its been sitting in your pipes for a couple of days.
2) I've been using a sink plunger on my toilet for years now. That explains a lot. (Turns out that it didn't work on the sink either).
3) Drain Auger's work best if you read the instructions. Turns out I have two of them lying around, from last two times I had the same problem. Back then I couldn't get either of them to function, but this time I noticed the phrase "usage instructions on back" on the packaging of the smaller model, and these helped immensely. If I were to describe the experience of using one, I'd say its like being on the doctor's side of a colonoscopy.


  1. Did you get the "we told you not flush that!" treatment from Stern Lecture Plumbing Ltd.?

    ...I got it full-on, twenty years German. The merest threat of a toilet overflowing causes me to hyperventilate to this very day.

  2. Yeah, but I didn't get the pen back.

  3. Would you really want it back?

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    it's obvious Global Warming caused this.

    You should have imported Al Gore to put a lip-lock on thattoilet and blow hard.

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    it's obvious Global Warming caused this.

    You should have imported Al Gore to put a lip-lock on thattoilet and blow hard.
