
Monday, December 17, 2007

Did Someone Just Bomb Fox News?

This is on the front page of the CNN site right now:

Four floors of Fox News headquarters in New York evacuated after reports of a chemical explosion, fire officials say.

Update: Headline is off the CNN site but U.S.A Today reports that: was a small explosion on the 45th floor. It was caused by an interaction between two chemicals...

Incompetent terrorist? Incompetent plumber? O'Reilly Free-basing?


  1. Another Reichstag fire?

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    just Bill O'Reilly freebasing again!

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    maybe Bill is getting pissed off at Fox for skewering Shrillary

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Bound to happen with all the conservative hot air on that station - kaboom eventually.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Maybe Bill is getting pissed off at Fox for skewering Shrillary? God, I hope so. That would be hilarious and poignant at the same time. Sort of a sophisticated and ironic statement on the Zeitgeist.

  7. Anonymous2:38 PM

    So, you don't know anything really about the explosion, yet you're labeling it under Terrorism. There may be a number of people burned, injured or killed, and you're making light of it because it happened to conservatives.

    What kind of ignorant insensitive jerk would behave this way?

    I'll make sure to take a screenshot right now.

  8. Lodge an HRC complaint, Biff. That'll show him.

    I can only hope some "conservatives" burned up good 'n proper, but I doubt it. They're incredibly moist and juicy, what with all the frothing and spittle-flecking.

    The worst that could happen is a little sizzling, which fills the air with the delicious aroma of frying bacon.

    So it's all good, really.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Any street fighting this week, Johnathon? Looking forward to getting some beefy, tough guy's head in a scissor-lock between your legs?

  11. Jonathan, run, don't walk to your nearest psychiatric facility. You need help, bad.

  12. Hey Ti-Guy, you think its funny that something happened at FoxNews.

    Well, I think it would be funny for the same thing to happen at CBC.

    What is the difference?

  13. Only nazis work at FoxNews. And no one cares if nazis are killed, I'm sure you'd agree.

    But the real difference is that you're psychotic, and I'm not.

  14. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Please don't get ti-guy upset. In his imbalanced and deranged state, he's liable to go and act out on his blistering blind hatred. You don't often see people with this sort of mental disturbance posting on the net. bcl, please contact the authorities and get this guy some help before he hurts people.

    I just hope his guns are registered so that we're all safe.
