
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Facebook Group Targets Fatah And Other Moderate Muslims

As annoying as I occasionally find Tarak Fatah he does, as a self-proclaimed Moderate Muslim, put up with a whole other level of bullshit. Witness the group "Remember The Enemies Muslims!!!" (which appears to have already been given the hook by Facebook).

Garry Wise has the good dope, but in short the group's purpose was/is to

... identify the apostates and People who Abused our Religion. These people have disrespected Islam not through intellect but through words of abuse. We can answer criticism, we can take criticism but we can not take abuse. All those who were responsible will be exposed and their profiles and pictures will be made available, besides them modernist and secular Muslims who want to westernize Islam according to their own interpretation which directly conflicts with established interpretation of Muhammad(saw).This will be done so that Muslims can identify their Enemies!!

As Mr. Wise points out, the site generally uses a "strong, if non-violent tone", but includes these rather nasty photo-exposés (see above) of the Muslim "enemies" who have attracted the site-owners' wrath. One is immediately reminded of the "wanted posters" far-Right anti-abortion groups in the U.S. have used to target abortion providers.

It would be interesting if the people behind this RTEM!!! are directly indebted to their Christian Fundy counterparts for the idea.

Remember The Enemies Muslims!!! raises a fascinating question in light of the recent travails faced by Ezra Levant, Mark Steyn, and Macleans Magazine at the hands of the CHRC. To paraphrase a question Mr. Wise puts, if a Canadian human rights tribunal chose to investigate a complaint by any of the photographed individuals or by members of the moderate Muslim community against the people behind RTEM!!!, would the same people who have been defending Mark Steyn defend RTEM!!!? It should be particularly fascinating question for Mr. Fatah himself, who has strongly defended Mr. Steyn and Macleans.

So what's the story, Tarak? Get over here and lay on some political nuance.
And what about Mr. Steyn himself? Would he defend RTEM!!!'s right to free expression? After all, he's never seemed to have a problem with Christian extremists.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Your ability to link thoughts together has completely left you. You have now become one of those clowns who link EVERYTHING to your enemies (Bush, Christians, Big Oil, conservatives, nazis, etc.)

    You've now devolved into a joke like those 911 'truthers'. Insane ramblings and nonsense make for a poor blog. You'll attract lots of NDP, though.

  2. would the same people who have been defending Mark Steyn defend RTEM!!!

    Not bloody likely. As is their wont, they'll go silent and let their fellow brownshirts call for internment and/or genocide.

    All of this stuff needs to be dialed back, and I hope someone does take these shit-bag Muslims to court. If they want to expose enemies of Islam, they should look in the mirror.

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Your ability to link thoughts together has completely left you. You have now become one of those clowns who link EVERYTHING to your enemies (Bush, Christians, Big Oil, conservatives, nazis, etc.)

    You've now devolved into a joke like those 911 'truthers'. Insane ramblings and nonsense make for a poor blog. You'll attract lots of NDP, though.

  4. Actually, a facebook site that has already been pulled down is pretty ephemeral. But if we were to see something more extended and organized along these lines, then yes let the courts shut them down (or the CHRC if thats appropriate).

  5. Everyone knows only Christian extremism is allowed silly.

  6. Thanks for picking up on this where I left off.

    I should note that none of the National Review crowd who had been flocking to my blog bothered to answer the question that you have restated regarding protection of the extremists' free expression rights.

  7. I should note that none of the National Review crowd who had been flocking to my blog bothered to answer the question that you have restated regarding protection of the extremists' free expression rights.

    Doubtless an oversight, as I'm sure their minds are all occupied with the baffling syllogisms they've been exposed to in Jonah Goldberg's version of Plan Nine from Outer Space. (ie. Liberal Fascism...the book he'll be remembered for).

    Now why can't Mark Steyn train his brilliant mind on that kind of thing?

  8. Anonymous2:47 PM

    "Now why can't Mark Steyn train his brilliant mind on that kind of thing?"

    Because he's a fifth columnist cryptobolshevist whore obsessed with Broadway show tunes and men's nipples who will be running a gay B&B in Vermont with his gay lover within 18 months, tops?

  9. Anonymous10:07 PM

    On Steyn, you might check

  10. Lovely. Wolcott takes "Lyin' Steyn" to task on one of his assertions...

    "Well, don't look to NOW and the other western feminist groups. In staying silent, they endorse "second-class sisterhood" for Muslim women."

    ...and finds, in very short order, that it's completely baseless.

    Mark Steyn really needs to pull his head up from Conrad Black's/Ken Whyte's lap every once and a while to notice the world around him. His punditry would be greatly improved by the experience.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Just so you know, you are also considered to be an 'enemy of Muslims' by that group.

  12. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    As a devout (but progressive) Catholic, I'm also an enemy of the Vatican. Woo hoo!
