
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Strategic Counsel Speaks, Says "Statistical Dead Heat"

First, the important numbers:

The new poll of 1,000 Canadians, taken between Dec. 6 and 9, shows the Conservatives have the support of 32 per cent, still three points ahead of the Liberals, at 29. The NDP remained at 16 per cent, ahead of the Greens, but not growing.

Compared to SC's previous version, done in November, the Tories and Liberals are both down two points. Unfortunately, the new Liberal normal seems to be below 30%, which I find disturbing.

The big news is of course the Green Party's 13%, an historic high for them, and a support level the pollsters interviewed are beginning to think may hold come election day. If you're wondering why Dion is in Bali, I suspect it is a laudable attempt to shore up his green creds in the face of this leakage.

In Quebec:

...the Conservatives fell seven points to 18, behind the Liberals at 20 per cent, and the Bloc Québécois at 40.

Thank you, Brian Mulroney!


  1. Which Conservative bloggers were having orgasms recently about their numbers in Québec?

    ...not that it really matters when it comes to rightwing premature They don't care.

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Wait till Dion opens his trap again...Liberal numbers will fall.

  3. Wait till Dion opens his trap again...Liberal numbers will fall.

    This indicates the onset of the refractory period of the Conserva-gasm. It'll be relatively short-lived if the Conservative is exposed to the right stimulus, such as Dion mispronouncing something or some non-white saying something intemperate.

  4. Whooee! The big story here is that all three old line parties are either stagnant or losing support while the Greens are the only party with upward momentum.

    Baird's performance in Bali is destined to drive more intelligent, red tories from the shrinking CPoC tent. When the Reformers get their way and the Mulroney faction is driven from the CPoC, socially liberal, fiscally conservative voters have what is becoming a more and more viable choice.

    Green support is coming from all parties and a certain amountwill, no doubt, strategically fall back to a vote with an FPTP chance of winning. Other new GPC supporters are disgusted enough with inaction by both Grits and Cons that they will hold fast.

    I went to a GPC EDA meeting the other night. There was a good turnout. I only saw one guy who appeared to be about 30. Everyone else was in the 45-60 range. Babyboomer grandparents, like me, are getting worried about ol' Mother Earth and what we're passin' on to the kiddies. More babyboomers are becoming grandparents everyday.

    Green Party candidates are more'n'more 40+ and less and less university sudents taking the GPC nomination because nobody else will. The GPC candidate talent pool is getting better with the increased interest in savin' the planet.

    There's a snowball effect. More interest = better candidates = even more interest = more votes.

    15 or 20 years ago, who thought the Reform Party would come to power in 2006?


  5. Interesting theory. People are fed up with the mainstream/traditional parties. All talk and no action gets tired whether the KoolAid is red, blue or orange flavoured. How does Green taste?

  6. Like a mouldy mix of blue and orange.

  7. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Brian Mulroney did a lot of good for Canada. He brought us free trade which has resulted in Canada becoming what it is today: a very prosperous country.

    People let's be serious, if someone gave you a bag full of money, you'd have taken it too. Brian's human just like the rest of us.
