
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Now THERE'S A Dumb Headline

U.S. spy satellite falling from orbit, could hit Earth

I would say its almost a certainty. What else could it hit?


  1. It was probably the work of some peon who had to furnish the headline and grabbed a bit from the first paragraph:

    The U.S. has lost control of a spy satellite that may contain hazardous materials, and it could hit the Earth over the next two months...

    Maybe this stuff is computer-generated, much like the comments from the anonymii are?

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Of maybe it's alluding to this paragraph: "
    "If the satellite is as big as we think it is -- about as big as a school bus -- then parts of it could survive the fiery re-entry and hit the Earth," space analyst Randy Atwood told CTV News."

    That is, a small satellite will burn up before actual impact; a large one might leave a crater.

  3. "... unlikely to evaporate."

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Well, you've got to demonize the US somehow with this bit of news. "George Bush's right-wing spy satellite purposely crashes into Mother Earth as symbolic gesture about how he feels about Kyoto."

    Is that more accurate?

  5. Anonymous3:20 PM

    That sounds more passive than what some of the other headlines in the US say:

    American spy satellite 'the size of a bus' is out of control and hurtling towards Earth

    Disabled Spy Satellite Threatens Earth

    Hurtling and Threatens! Sounds more dangerous somehow than the passive "falling."
