
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Paul Wells:The French Are Insufficiently Elegant

...for me to blog about.

Frankly, I think eating snails has driven our boy insane. They're okay for awhile, and then one gets stuck way back in the shell and you think "Damn! that's two bucks worth of escargot!" and start hacking at the slick, butter covered snail carapace with those funny looking long forks they give you in a desperate attempt to smash your way in, or you puncture the back of the shell and try to blo the thing out and peg the lady at the next table with a snail projectile.

And then the waiter looks at you funny...

Come home, Paul, you're wasted on the Gauls.


  1. Actually, less than that. He said "Casse-toi, pauvre con" which doesn't really mean much more than "Take off, hoser." I'm just sticking to the technical/historical meaning of the word "con."

    That's why French is (and always be) the language of diplomacy.

  2. Okay, you put in milder terms there with that interpretation which was pretty much the same take on it I had as well.

  3. It's still significant that some elected officials seem to forget quite easily what their purpose is, and Sarkozy looked pretty stupid by not being able to either ignore the constituent (who said 'don't touch me; you're soiling me') or by having some other, more charitable reaction.

    *sigh*...If only Big Daddy Harper would permit such close contact. We never get a chance to see how Mr. Big would handle a situation like this.

  4. I’ll take the gruff petulance and dismissive contempt of Sarkozy over the sublimated variety that Harper seems to manifest, any day. Respect for constituents (or citoyens if you prefer) is a two-way street. Trudeau and Chrétien realized this… I don’t know… maybe it’s a “French” thing.

  5. Trudeau and Chrétien realized this… I don’t know… maybe it’s a “French” thing.

    It's actually a thing with most cultures except those that worship inscrutability.

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM

    "That's why French is (and always be) the language of diplomacy."

    . . . or as the French call it


  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Since Dion is a French citizen, guess what?

  8. No wonder you're "anonymous" with puerile comments like that.

  9. "...or as the French call it


    Oh, don't be so Albertan, you rube.

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    But saying 'fuddle duddle' in Parliament is cute and endearing?

    Or strangling and assaulting somebody in a crowd shows what "a tough little guy you are".

    But if a conservative returns an insult to somebody? OH MY GOD!! LOOK HOW RUDE AND EVIL CONSERVATIVES ARE!!!

    Get a life, losers.

  11. But if a conservative returns an insult to somebody?

    I'd sooner tolerate someone telling me to fuck off or would more easily understand a physical reaction if I'm getting in someone's face than tolerate some proto-fascist accusing me of Taliban-hugging, pedophilia, theft of public money, parasitism, or any other number of manifestations of projection the oh-so-civil Conservatives use to in their discourse.

    Learn how to swear, Connies. It's good for the soul...meaning that well of bile you've all got frothing in the pit of your stomachs.

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

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  13. Hard to believe these Cons are still fuming over PET flipping them the bird or saying "fuddle duddle" in parliament. How many years ago was that... 37? And he wants US to "get a life!" Sheesh. No sense of self-awareness or irony, whatsoever.

  14. "Hard to believe these Cons are still fuming over PET flipping them the bird or saying "fuddle duddle" in parliament. How many years ago was that... 37? And he wants US to "get a life!" Sheesh. No sense of self-awareness or irony, whatsoever."

    They aren't fuming about that. They are fuming that Trudeau's mother gave birth to such an asshole. Anything beyond that was expected. Liberal fart catchers like yourself should realize that if he were alive he would likely spit on the top of your head while you are licking his boots.

  15. I'm hardly a Liberal "fart catcher" by any stretch of the imagination, and for the record, not even that much of fan of Trudeau. Your spiteful comment is more indicative of some apparent mental disorder that seems to be troubling you than it is of anything else.

  16. Anything beyond that was expected. Liberal fart catchers like yourself should realize that if he were alive he would likely spit on the top of your head while you are licking his boots.

    You need your diaper changed, Dainty.

  17. "You need your diaper changed, Dainty."

    Stop writing that with love in your eyes pedephi-guy

  18. ...and your foul mouth washed out with soap.

  19. And dispel those teacher-pupil fantasies as well.
