
Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Mad Bishop of Canterbury on Sharia Law

Comments from climate scientist William M. Connolley on "The Mad Bish" and his speech which has caused such a commotion and even accusations of treason:

"Oh dear, now I've got to the bottom of his speech and failed to find the assertion that Sharia law is unavoidable in the UK. Because... he didn't say it. What he said was... the rather unsatisfactory stuff above about choosing juristiction, followed by But if what we want socially is a pattern of relations in which a plurality of divers and overlapping affiliations work for a common good, and in which groups of serious and profound conviction are not systematically faced with the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty, it seems unavoidable. It seems weak stuff to hang such a controversy on - but then it was a thin news day, pontificationg about religion is always fun, and stirring up Islamophobia sells papers."

Love how the Brits spell "divers", unless its a typo. Love the way they spell "connexion" also.


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Spengler, Asia-Times columnist on Rowan's speech ; "Dr. Williams nowhere mentions in his speech the endemic threat of violence against non-compliant Muslims, starting with honor killings, something you have written about recently. Anglican Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali warned Jan. 7 that "no-go" zones were emerging throughout Britain which are dangerous for non-Muslims to enter. The British authorities can't protect Muslims who wish to exercise their rights as Englishmen in conflict with Muslim community standards as it is."

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    David Warren, of the Ottawa Citizen, updates the situation in Britain in his column today:

    "Britain Muslim groups such as the Ramadhan Foundation responded luke-warmly,[to Rowan's speech] welcoming the suggestion but criticizing the archbishop for having failed to punish his Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, who is under police protection after recently suggesting that various Muslim districts in Britain had become "no-go areas" for people who are not Muslim.

    The saddest part of this, is that so many "moderate" Muslims emigrated to Britain (as to Canada) expressly to escape from societies in which Shariah law is normative. And what they are learning now, is that, thanks to the triumph of multiculturalism in the West, "you can run but you can't hide."

    Big City Lib - do you know what a "no-go zone" is?

  3. Do you know what a "no-go zone" is?

    Wherever you live.

  4. FYI on the spelling:

    divers must be a typo, it is spelled diverse in the UK as it is here.

    I've never seen 'connexion' used in the media, only 'connection'

    and to william g king, aluminium is as valid a spelling as aluminum, both are proper names for the metal, the UK still uses the original spelling which was designed to 'fit' with other elements in the periodic table like uranium, plutonium etc.

    here endeth the lesson ;)

  5. A of C: ‘But if what we want socially is a pattern of relations in which a plurality of divers and overlapping affiliations work for a common good, and in which groups of serious and profound conviction are not systematically faced with the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty, it seems unavoidable’

    ARE YOU MAD????!!!!! When did Sharia Law “work for the common good?” Where and what country has Sharia Law EVER been good for ANYONE?? Maybe you should bring satanism in next!! You are an ARCHBISHOP????!!! Do YOU EVER read and understand your bible??? Do you EVER obey GOD???? Or are you just pleasing MAN?????!!! I have NEVER heard of anything as crazy as this! If the muslims want Sharia Law they must go to a country where this is allowed, but not begin to turn Britain into a muslim state!!! How can parts of Britain be ‘no-go’ areas for ‘non-muslims’ – Britain belongs to the British people FOR the British people – its supposed to be a free country for all!! Not for religious Muslims [British or not!!!]. When did Christians, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Christadelphians, etc etc…… ever have ‘no-go’ areas????!!! When was a Muslim never allowed to walk around parts of Britain?? Maybe we should have Christian ‘no-go’ areas for Muslims!!!! And DEMAND we have time off three times a day for our Christian prayers!!

    If you allow Muslims to become Judges, attorneys, police, doctors, MP’s, etc etc….. they will eventually enforce their views, laws & religion into every area & society of Britain and completely take over. Check the search engines with ‘Muslims want Britain’ its all over about their demands in UK! Ever heard of gradualism??? [the principle, theory, or policy of allowing change, especially political change, to take place gradually rather than suddenly or drastically] – as this is more acceptable to the people who may oppose change! Look it up, as this is what the Muslims are doing, they will NEVER be content and happy with a little of Britain that is already given over to them – they want a Muslim State in Britain!! They will not be content until then.

    I’m british, live in South Africa with many thousands of other british ex-pats – but we don’t have ‘no-go areas’ or force our british law onto South Africa, we abide by the rules & law here as this is NOT OUR COUNTRY!! So why are YOU [muslims] forcing your Laws on Britain???!! If you’re British then you live by British Law!

    And then having this dismal and pathetic Archbishop of Canterbury who is weak, and cannot stick up for our country and God’s law, who’s trying to bring in ‘ONE FAITH FOR ALL’ so that everybody is happy [which will never work, no matter how hard you try!], is an embarrassment to the Christian faith and the principals Britain is founded on!!

    Britain has always been free. The Nazis couldn’t get in, but the Muslims did!! And we Brits are giving it to them – gradually!!
