
Sunday, March 02, 2008

Exploiting The Cadman Scandal

Steve, whose calls for an immediate election have become strident and feverish lately, recovers nicely with this post re the Cadman controversy:

Why I hesitate, in adopting Turner's "pull the plug" advice over Cadman, it is just too opportunistic to be credible. Last week, Liberals spent their entire time trying to develop clever ways to avoid an election. This scandal breaks, and then suddenly, Liberals have found a solid spine, it's time to go. The chronology is too cute for words, and I doubt Canadian voters would be overly impressed with the obvious motivations. No, the Liberals have made their bed, the opportunity has passed, the optics of a reversal are dreadful.

Exactly. The Libs should not lean on this as the sole trigger of an election call.

Now, what if the NDP is working on a non-confidence motion in regards to the scandal? Then I would say the Libs should NOT support it on the grounds that it is premature, because:

1) It is premature. Let the RCMP do their job.

2) It is in the Libs strategic interest to have this hanging over the government as Parliament progresses. Whatever the final outcome of any investigation (guilty/not guilty) the very process will generate any number of Tory-negative media stories. For example, what will Dona Cadman do? Can she still run Conservative? What will the CPoC do with Dona Cadman? Can they afford to keep her now that she's accused the Party of bribery? It is hard to see an end to this that makes Harper and co. exit looking good.

Now, a few have speculated that it might be possible to use the Canadian Wheat Board Issue as a cover for going into an election over the Cadman Affair. That might work. But if this scandal still has legs in April, when the CWB legislation is due to arrive, then it is unlikely that the government will make it a matter of confidence in the first place.

The Liberal Party could then claim credit for sinking the measure and quietly go about the task of getting their shit together for the fall. That would be the best result


  1. Steve's "feverish" about calling for an election?

    If so, then I'm more feverish then he is.

  2. You're both feverish.

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Utter, total, complete political desperation.

    Sad really to see what has become of the mighty Liberal Party.

  4. If we're feverish, you have electile dsyfunction ;)

  5. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Steve is in no hurry to have an election. He is the PM and able to do his job, the Opposition is mostly de-nutted.
    The "Cadman" scandal will disintegrate. Just like the other media generated attempts to fell the Conservatives.
    The Liberal scandals are still in full bloom. Mr. Chretien's finagling is starting to have some light shone on it.
    hey do you like being part of a rump Conservative majority?

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    a little OT but nonetheless indicative of our current minority gov's penchant for divisive politics comes this:

    Premier Dalton McGuinty says it was "inappropriate" and "harmful" for the federal finance minister to say Ontario is the last place in Canada to start a business.

    Well done Mr.Flaherty, you selfish a$$.

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    exploiting a dead man's legacy is more like it.


  8. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Exploiting? Seems you've confused the definition of this word, I think what you mean is setting the record straight.

    The only exploitation that happened was prior to his death, not only was that pitiful on the Conservatives part but morally reprehensible. Ah yes, the values party, so much akin to the republicans down south, the 'Do as I say, not as I do' party.

    Well, makes sense since the Conservatives are receiving their PR advice from the same firm who so successfully guided the Republican party to their current state.

    Let's hope they don't destroy everything up here before the light of day shines upon them.

  9. I'm feverish too!

    Must be bad clams.

  10. Great post, BCL. A slam dunk. You knocked it out of the park.

    ...take that, Conservatives.


  11. Touche, Steve. I'll get you for that.

  12. Anonymous6:27 PM

    If the Liberals had taken a tough stand on Afghanistan and not let the Conservatives agree with them, "Cadscam" would be happening in the middle of an election.

    Remember "Do you REALLY think Paul Martin will continue the Gomery inquiry if he's elected?" Wonder how that would look on the other foot...

  13. "If the Liberals had taken a tough stand on Afghanistan and not let the Conservatives agree with them, "Cadscam" would be happening in the middle of an election."

    A good point. Paul Wells said this yesterday.

  14. Did anyone catch Jay Hill, I've never seen him so sheepish, almost defeated. These Con trolls can spout off all they want, I see genuine and real concern on the faces of people on the inside.


    All in good fun :)

  15. Anonymous6:54 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Did anyone catch Jay Hill...

    Yes and it's going to take a two-week course of anti-biotics before the weeping sores even begin to crust over.

  17. Anonymous11:17 PM

    "These Con trolls can spout off all they want, I see genuine and real concern on the faces of people on the inside."

    Not to mention Mike Duffy. It must be tough to see all that pro bono spinning for the Harpercons go down the drain.

  18. Anonymous8:02 AM

    It's almost sad how you folks cling to this Cadman thing as if it were actually of some value. Both the Liberals and the Conservatives were lobbying Cadman to vote their way, Cadman let it be known that voting with the Conservatives would be against his personal interest (bullshit about the "public interest" is not even honoured in the breech anymore), the Conservatives reportedly crossed a line that both parties were trying to toe (more or less).

    Hardcore partisans think this means a lot... average voters (cynics the whole lot of them) simply sigh and confirm to each other that "they're all the same" and turn their attention back to their own lives. When the time comes to vote, people will vote on their own issues - not this faux outrage from the "comfy fur" party.

    Adscam (and the Goodale blunder) worked for the Conservatives because average people were outraged, on their own, without any coaching or prodding. This "Cadscam" as a magic bullet? Dream on...

  19. You think it's sad that people are curious/concerned about whether a horrendous crime has occured?

    I can see why you have problems maintaining a personality, Larry Joe. You seem to have all the intellectual curiosity of a cinder block.

    If you really don't appreciate the implications of a healthy democratic process to the issues that affect average Canadians, then you are clearly insensate.
