
Thursday, April 24, 2008

When Immigration Minister Diane Finley Heard

... that she had been threatened by criminal groups that oppose her efforts to block foreign strippers from entering Canada, she rose gallantly in the HOC and framed her response in rhyme:


When My DJ Cuttin'
I Fear Me Nuttin'
So There'll Be No Peelin'
While I be Wheelin'
Rulin' in a Gubment
Dat Be Righteous
In Legislatin'!


That's Stephen Harper, foreground right, making those weird rhythmic mouth noises.

Note to Self: WTF? Kinsella tries his best to make you famous and this is the best crap you can write? CBC's never going to call now!

PS. Someone will probably tell me that Finley is light sensitive and has to wear those shades, but that said I still think they make her look incredibly hot.

PPS. The government should use this opportunity to stomp any criminal outfit behind these threats. Stomp 'em good. And that's from someone whose a big fan of them Romanian girls.


  1. The government should use this opportunity to stomp any criminal outfit behind these threats.

    Absolutely. I wish the Minister would make it clear how these threats were communicated.

    On your recent rapprochement with Kinsella; I'll be here with a shoulder to cry on when Kinsella inevitably reverts to form.

    BCL: "But, but, but...he was so mean...the terrible things he said...*sob*"

    Ti-Guy: "There, there..."

    I don't know why he had to lump you in the morally-bankrupt (and humourless) Taylor and Janke. Isn't he aware of Janke's character-assassination posts?

  2. Hmmm, let's see. An immigration cracks down on foreign strippers. She is then opposed and even threatened by a lobby of strip clubs. I'd laugh if it wasn't serious. I wonder if mobsters were involved as well.

    What is with the quitoxic mix of immigration policy and strippers in this country anyway?

  3. What is with the quitoxic mix of immigration policy and strippers in this country anyway?

    I think it's the result of the well-intentioned policy to discourage the illegal trafficking of women.

    But until men stop going to strip-bars (I'm looking at you, BCL), I doubt anything will work to everyone's satisfaction.

    I don't go to them because I've known for a long time that organised crime is involved. So it's not a moral judgment about anything more than criminality and abuse.

  4. Whooee! Look! Over there! It's the Russian mob and they're gunnin' for Diane!

    Gimme a f**kin' break. This extra protection has been in place for months. Why does it hit the press at the same time as the scandals are getting too numerous to keep track of? Sheesh!

    My wifemate, Ma, ain't nearly as politically minded as ol' JB. She went to high school with Diane. First thing Ma said when she seen this mornin's Brantford Suppositor with Diane all a-skeered was that this was a convenient diversion from all the scandals.


  5. I did wonder about that, Jim Bobby. I guess it will all come out over the next little while.

  6. if i were her, i'd be far more concerned about hubby than the russian mob.

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    "I think it's the result of the well-intentioned policy to discourage the illegal trafficking of women."

    It's the result of horrifically immoral creatures such as Ti-Guy making the shabbiest of excuses on behalf of slave traders and organized crime.

    Peelers don't even get paid a wage, no wonder Canadian girls are somewhat averse to it.

    Maybe if these cuntly criminals paid, oh I don't know, a minimum wage, we wouldn't have to import slave skank to dance for married men. Hell, if I opened a coffee shop and told my staff to work for tips I'd be shut down immediately; why the free pass for organized crime? Enforce labour laws already on the books and this ceases to be a problem.

    Here's an even better idea: let's fully legalize all aspects of prostitution, declare a shortage of whores, and import several million nubile, thin, women to Canada. That should drive down the price of a quality half n' half to forty bucks.

    What say boys? What do you have against empowering women, and sex?

  8. What say boys? What do you have against empowering women, and sex?

    Maybe you should talk to a woman about that; that is, if you actually know any.

    By the way, you're sounding really gay. Best check the lock on that closet.

    Now run along, Flaming.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I mean can you imagine how much more pleasant even TiGuy would be with safe, affordable sex?

    Guy's wound tighter than a duck's ass; I'd pledge the first $40 to get TiGuy the sex he so clearly needs.

    Most social programs favour women, and women disproportionately benefit from government programs.

    As part of a comprehensive review to delineate the parameters of a solution to this challenge we've created a new paradigm of public policy which seeks to gender normalize disparate regulations and legislation.

    Accordingly, whores will be, for men, free, as is their human right.

  10. I mean can you imagine how much more pleasant even TiGuy would be with safe, affordable sex?

    Well, you would know. I don't even know what a "half 'n half" is.

    Your misogyny is acute. Along with petulant tone of your writing and your sexualised obsession with me, the diagnosis is: deviance.

    Conclusion: Flaming Panties.

    What do I win?

  11. Anonymous10:30 AM

    "Your misogyny is acute."

    Newfie asks his girlfriend's father for her hand in marriage. "I have to tell you," the father says "she's got acute angina.". The Newfie says "That'll make up for the small tits!"

    Back to politics. It's actually worse than I thought:

    "In the mid-1990s, intimidation in the adult entertainment business led Human Resources Development Canada to set up a fast-track program for foreign exotic dancers, said former HRDC minister Joe Volpe.

    The work permit validation program effectively gave blanket permission for strip club owners to bring in foreign dancers without having to prove they couldn't find anyone in Canada to fill the job.

    "At the time, much of the (exotic dancer) business fell into the hands of organized, underworld types, in particular the Hell's Angels," Volpe said in an interview Wednesday.

    "They, or their agents, would approach human resources personnel in various places around the country," to have work visas validated for foreign strippers.

    "Let's just say (government employees) were aggressively lobbied," said Volpe. "
    Only 17 exotic dancer permits have been issued since the Conservatives came to power, down from 423 in 2004.

    If you care about women, you need to vote Conservative.

    Only a viciously misogynist individual would vote Liberal and give carte blanche to criminal organizations running immigration policy in this country.
