
Sunday, April 13, 2008

You Want To Help A Canadian Blogger Fighting For Free Speech?

Send your pennies to this guy.

A couple of years ago Mark got caught up in the Wayne Crookes "Libelpalooza" and, although the case died in a B.C. courtroom, Crookes has appealed and there are many bills still to pay. You can get the more details on Mark's particular situation re his blog, but one of the worrying things about Crookes' efforts is that he has sued people (Michael Geist, specifically) for linking to a site that linked to another site that contained allegedly defamatory material.

Now that's scary.


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The Belinda-wide "gap" that exists between the Canada that I have lived and exists on my bookshelves, and the Canada presented by the media and their dupes in the blogosphere in 2008, continually amazes me.

    It was no secret to this short pant wearing rugrat back in the 1970s that Conrad Black and other "Titans" of industry used Canada's libel laws to their great benefit.

    I can't recall whether my parents or uncles explained this to me explicitly, or whether I gleaned it from the McPap that Peter "C." Newman churned out annually, but as a fucking child in the 1970s I knew that Canada had shitty libel laws.

    And this comes as news to people older than me, in 2008? Please. Whether Conrad or Warren, both sides cheered on their respective libel thugs for years until it bit them in the ass.

    Sovereignty lies with the Canadian people, not the courts, not pieces of paper. If we sincerely wanted better libel laws it might come up at a Liberal or Conservative policy convention. Or perhaps a blog post. It never does.

    Sympathy would be entirely wasted on a people with an envious esteem for litigious ratfucking as long as it suits them. Cunts, all.

  2. If you're really trying to help the fellow you might suggest he open up a PayPal account and then he can take online donations.

  3. Paul, he had something like that once, and hopefully will again soon.

  4. Connie and Mark, clever people that they are, have just noticed that they were served regarding yet another lawsuit (this time a joint one from Warman and Kinsella).

    I wonder if their lawyer gives volume discounts.

    Fournier posts that he's been advised not to discuss it, but invites others to on his website. Well I won't discuss it there, but over here I'll offer the opinion that he's a blithering idiot.

  5. That link didn't get all the way in. It's

    And if it doesn't work this time, it's


  6. I agree. Anyone willing to send a dime to Kate, ought to have sent double to Mark and Micheal and the others sued by Crookes, first.

  7. The status of the case is that much of it has been dismissed, with that under appeal, last I knew. Some of it still stands.

    There are several other defendants in that case, and several other cases.

    I did have a Paypal account, but no longer can be the one handling the money. There are other defendants. I am trying to find someone to willing to serve as recipient.

    My efforts last year to raise money were so fruitless, I gave up.

    I may yet get some version of back up, but my time is very limited these days.

    BCL, thanks for the plug.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have a donation button up for PayPal, plus a place to send cheques.
