
Monday, May 26, 2008

Canadians and Carbon Taxes

Consider the source, obviously--the Pembina Insitute has an agenda. Nevertheless, this poll confirms what most polls have been showing over the past couple of years:

Canadians are warming up to the prospect of paying an environmental tax on activities that cause climate change, but they don't necessarily expect to get the money back in the form of income tax cuts...

Steve ("the poll guy") V. at Far and Wide has been writing extensively about how Dion's environmental proposals might play out in the political arena. Read this post especially, in which he makes a case that the fact that opinion seems to be swinging the Libs way at the moment is all part of some brilliant strategy. I myself think its just good luck (and esp. some bad moves by Jack Layton), but admittedly the result is the same.

Not that things might not change. Paying a tax in the abstract is always easier than paying it in the real world.


  1. Citing a poll by an environmental organization isn't exactly, shall we say, "non partisan" - for this reason, the poll results are highly suspect and should be taken as such. Also, I've never heard of the polling company. I prefer this guy. He's the best pollster in Canada and I eagerly anticipate Nanos conducting a poll on whether Canadians want a carbon tax.

  2. Most conservatives have lives, call ID and don't have time for pollsters. The unemployed marxists and Liberal bloggers who spend their days posting from work, well...

  3. The conservatives have yet to attack this policy. Once they do, it will be shown to be full of holes.

  4. Most conservatives have lives, call ID and don't have time for pollsters.

    Ha. Considering how much time Conservatives spend saying incredibly stupid things, I highly doubt that. Most of you spend your time dicking around and trolling blogs instead of doing your work.

    The conservatives have yet to attack this policy. Once they do, it will be shown to be full of holes.

    They've already started, Dainty. Check this out.

    "Stéphane Dion Thinks Your Taxes are Too Low."

    Libel is always a persuasive argument, isn't it? Conservatives seem to think so, in any case.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I guess that comment will be erased soon and the comments shut down on this post.

    Never much of loss, at least.

  7. "in which he makes a case that the fact that opinion seems to be swinging the Libs way at the moment is all part of some brilliant strategy."

    I'm not referencing a poll or opinion as some planned strategy, just that having all this debate, before the details are released, works to our advantage. I have no idea where you get the above from, it's only a commentary on how things are playing out, and I believe it is working to the Libs advantage.

  8. Sorry, Steve,

    I thought you had suggested that the process you described was actually the method the libs were employing.

  9. Maybe I wasn't really clear. I actually agree, that most of this luck, rather than pre-determined strategy. All I'm really doing, is commenting on how I think this is playing out. I don't think anyone planned to leak the idea out, then tinker after the response, but that's how it's turning out, and I think that allows for a better final product. Much of it has been luck, or at least not a planned tactical consideration, the polls, Suzuki, May, Coyne, Simpson, some kind editorials, words like "courage" and "brave" getting traction, but it's there now, which to my mind makes the jump less risky than when we it first leaked.

  10. Yeah, its probably the best press Dion has recieved in awhile.
