
Friday, May 02, 2008

Neo-Con Vs. Theo-Con: Incipient Split In Canadian Conservative Movement?

A few days ago, Richard Dawkins spoke at The Fraser Institute, and the folks at Lifesite are not happy:

Social conservatives are being increasingly squelched and alienated by the power ascendant fiscal conservatives who see them as an albatross to strategic power alliances with elements of Canada's socially liberal establishment. Despite this, as Dennis Gruending wrote in a November 2007 article, the Fraser Institute apparently receives most of its funding from social conservatives.

To which I can only say to folks like Deborah and co.. Yes! Its true that you're being squelched! The fiscal Conservatives are getting all those regressive tax cuts, and all you have to show for it is that lousy fake abortion bill! Its time to withdraw from the political arena altogether, or at least switch your vote from the CPoC to these guys! Its the only way to maintain your principles!

PS. When using comments on other blogger blogs, I notice a third method of commenting not available on mine, where you can enter a name/url as here. How do I rig comments to get that option working?


  1. "Social conservatives are being increasingly squelched and alienated by the power ascendant fiscal conservatives who see them as an albatross to strategic power alliances with elements of Canada's socially liberal establishment."

    Wow, they say that like its a bad thing. Social Conservatives should be squelched. They are wrong about everything.

    Maybe they should try minding their own fucking business for a change instead of trying to force everyone else to think and act like them.

  2. as Dennis Gruending wrote in a November 2007 article, the Fraser Institute apparently receives most of its funding from social conservatives.

    Who is Dennis Gruending and where is this report?

  3. The Conservative Party also receives much of its funding from social conservatives.

    It's hardly their fault that social conservatives are incredibly stupid people who also happily get screwed over repeatedly by their bogus "churches" and preachers.

    Should the Fraser Institute and the CPC be stupid enough to refuse what is essentially free, no-strings-attached money?

  4. RB has a point...perhaps if the socons get screwed over enough by charlatans and carpet baggers, they'll figure it out and stop paying them. Of course, that would require them to evolve their behaviour in the face of negative feedback, and we know socons won't do that.

    And if the CPC can take advantage of these rube, good for them.

  5. Great story. Best laugh of the day so far.

  6. They are not social Conservatives..the are SOCIALLY, (very) Conservative..big difference.

  7. The only thing they are are pig-ignorant and rage-filled, desperately looking to blame everyone else for their own mediocrity and unhappiness.

    They lost it when they teamed up with the neoliberals (who recognise rubes when they see them); you cannot have a society in which all interaction is commercial and expect it to be conservative. It's insane.

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    When using comments on other blogger blogs, I notice a third method of commenting not available on mine, where you can enter a name/url

    You have to enable Anonymous comments

  9. ti-guy - Dennis Gruending was an NDP MP from Saskatchewan, a former CBC reporter and currently a freelance write (at least that is what I think he is doing these days).
    I too would love to know where this story is. I am guessing that Denis was likely being critical of the Fraser Institute, but is shocking to see him quoted on an anti-abortion website.

  10. "Who is Dennis Gruending and where is this report?"

    this was the only article by gruending, relevant to the matter and the time frame cited by lifesite, that i could find. he makes no such claim ("the Fraser Institute apparently receives most of its funding from social conservatives") in the article.

    when did xians repeal the 9th commandment?


