
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rally In Ottawa For Net Neutrality, And Will Bernier's Resignation Stall Copyright Reform?

Today, on Parliament Hill, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Speakers include Charlie Angus - NDP MP, and Mauril Bélanger - Liberal MP.

I know I haven't done much about this issue, but back in the early days of Napster I used to occasionally write for these guys.

And interestingly enough, they are reporting that:

Late tonight comes reports that Maxime Bernier, now former minister of international affairs and the minister who previously took charge in the copyright reform bill has now resigned. The political fallout may put copyright reform on hold while the governing party swings into further damage control.
If the Conservative party hoped for an opportunity to slip copyright reform into government in the future, it is unlikely that the moment is now.

Not an unlikely theory, and I certainly hope its true. Thanks Julie!

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