Maybe it's an expectation he has from American media; that setting up a debate with a liberal requires it to be balanced out with three to four neoconservatives. So maybe he'll agree if Ezra Levant, Jonathan Kay, Michael Coren and...well, I guess that's all we've got...represent his side.
God, that would be great. The ensuing libel-a-palooza would be a spectacle for the ages.
You have got to watch Steyn on Tuesday's The Agenda on TVO. The unlettered ponce veritably soiled himself.
that setting up a debate with a liberal requires it to be balanced out with three to four neoconservatives
right, always rigorous with the logic eh ti-guy. just like steyn actually debated 3 of his opponents by himself on TVO, and they were the ones who were scared sh!tless of debating him.
"Make sure he doesnt yell at us please" HAHAHAHAHA, I cracked up.
and you should really check out the guy, when one of the girls is talking - he keeps on making twisted contortions of his face or muttering something it looks like he's trying to invoke Lord Voldemort or something.
right, always rigorous with the logic eh ti-guy. just like steyn actually debated 3 of his opponents by himself on TVO.
None of those people were his opponents and he hijacked the show to insist they have a debate they hadn't agreed to.
and they were the ones who were scared sh!tless of debating him.
They didn't look scared to me. They looked like three people who were well aware of the futility of debating an unlettered, racist yob.
Jermo, go mail another perfume-infused and lipstick-smeared mash note to the Robber Baron's Catamite. He's probably feeling a little brittle and dejected right now and could use the support.
he keeps on making twisted contortions of his face or muttering something it looks like he's trying to invoke Lord Voldemort or something.
God, Steyniacs are so uneducated. If only they'd read, they'd be able to bulk up their blather will decent cultural references, rather than with references to children's movies.
Ask Steyn for his list of the tomes of quotable quotes he uses to feign erudition, Jermo.
God, Steyniacs are so uneducated. If only they'd read, they'd be able to bulk up their blather will decent cultural references, rather than with references to children's movies.
If I ever got the impression these Bisphenol A-addled hermaphrodites (seriously, most of you sound, long past puberty, as if your testicles hadn't even dropped) had ever managed to read Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom or even one of Ayn Rand's stupid books, I'd be impressed.
And anyway, who wants to follow dessicated hippie holdover Terry Glavin and his post-sellout yuppie campaign to find himself and his demographic fascinating and relevant until the rest of us are so sick of it we'll have no other choice but to make them all into little green crackers?
...blah blah blah dessicated hippie holdover Terry Glavin and his post-sellout yuppie campaign to find himself and his demographic fascinating and relevant until... blah blah blah ...we'll have no other choice but to make them all into little green crackers?
Jesus Ti-Guy, what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you think riddling your mindless drivel with, as you would call them, "cultural references", somehow means you have a relevant argument? What a fucking tool you are. The thing is, you keep getting worse. Watching you self-destruct live online as whatever degenerative brain-wasting disease you have consumes you isn't even fun anymore. Can't you find some hospice to take you in... and keep you away from the Internet?
Some obnoxious jerk was being interviewed by George Strombolopolous last night. I watched long enough to confirm it was Steyn, and turned it off. Yob about sums it up.
Jesus Ti-Guy, what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you think riddling your mindless drivel with *hiss* *squeal* *snarl* *yip* *yip* *yip *bark* *bark* *bark* *bark*...
Previously, at BCL:
Ti-Guy, why don't you shut the fuck up and quit poisoning every conversation you get involved in? Think you could do that? Go back to spewing hate on My Blahg if you must. Maybe you could compliment McClelland on his latest crayon graph in which he "proves" that high taxes are actually good for us. Just quit fouling the comment sections of blogs I actually enjoy reading.
This could have turned into an interesting discussion about the death penalty. At very least, it could have continued along the same lines as BCL's post, and resulted in some humourous exchanges about execution methods. Instead, we get to read your verbal incontinence in every second comment. I swear, your presence in any comment section is the Web equivalent of vandalism. Now fuck off and drink some methyl hydrate. Please.
Ti-Guy, like all narcissists, you have very poor self-awareness and self-regulation. I understand. It's not your fault. But you might want to stick to areas where you are competent. That would be gratuitous profanity, paranoid accusations, and random attacks against your perceived enemies (i.e. anyone who disagrees with you, thus threatening your inflated, fragile ego). Humour is definitely NOT your calling.
More elsewhere as Raging Ranter follows me around the blogosphere.
Raging Ranter lurks and seethes (and maybe sock-puppets just a little bit) and then all of a sudden explodes like this all the time. He's like someone whose arse has been smoldering for a while and who only notices it when it finally sparks. That's why I call him Flaming Panties.
What I love is that any number of wingnut trolls can disrupt discussions and be as foul-mouthed and stupid as they want and he doesn't care; I'm the only he favours with his alcohol-fueled outbursts.
Not able to illegitimately use HRC's to stifle Steyn expressing his opinion, the lefties are now attempting to bludgeon Steyn over the lefties latest non-issue.
Steyn was sent an invitation. It is neither mandatory he attend or reply. And only a fool would take Kinsella's word as the unbridled truth on the matter. (Make that two fools, BCL and ti-guy)
The attempts so far to humiliate Steyn have been pathetic. I expected better of you guys.
Thanks for the little walk down memory lane there Ti-Guy. I had forgotten about those exchanges. There's been so many.
Paul, you don't have to worry about BCL. Rabid liberalism notwithstanding, he's quite grounded. Certainly he's sensible enough to stay completely away from Ti-Guy in real life. I think his allowing Ti-Guy to comment here is just a community service. If Ti-Guy is typing his latest tantrums and insults on the Internet, he'll be too busy to do any REAL damage in the real world. BCL is making a genuine contribution to community safety in that regard, and I commend him for it.
Certainly he's sensible enough to stay completely away from Ti-Guy in real life. I think his allowing Ti-Guy to comment here is just a community service. If Ti-Guy *hiss* *squeal* *oh that bitch*...
Jesus, Flaming Panties, you're such a mean girl. I feel like I'm in high school, being tormented by Heather who's talking smack about me all over school.
You really need to sober up, lose some weight and start dating. You're over 30 now, and you're creeping me out.
For anyone who cares...if you insult Flaming Panties, he'll call you a prison bitch too. Try's loads of fun.
No, I reserve the prison bitch insults for those who have actually spent time there (you). Unfortunately for all of us, the halfway house does not monitor Internet usage as strictly as Kingston did, so we're exposed to even more of your nonsensical ramblings than usual.
Holly Stick - is that some kind of prison bitch nickname? If you laugh at pompous narcissists as they throw their infantile tantrums, that's your problem. Or maybe your sense of humour is just really "sophisticated" like Ti-Guy's. 6:17 PM
Holly Stick said...
If I laughed at pompous narcissists as they threw their infantile tantrums, I'd be laughing at you, ranter. But you're still not even that entertaining. Yawn. 11:02 PM" September 27, 2007
Plenty more where that came from...There's a lovely exchange where "Len" calls you "Ranting Fatty."
Ah yes, good 'ol Lenny. I was pointing out how the Kyoto Klowns are actually dismantling the tropical rainforest with their stupid palm oil plans, and he blew a gasket. Ranting Fatty is pretty funny though. I give him full points for originality. Unlike you, who's been using the same spin on my name for over two years now. Christ, there's got to be a million plays on Raging Ranter, yet all you can manage is Flaming Panties? You are pathetic.
I think a "tag team" match with Kinsella & Warman vs Steyn & Levant would be even more entertaining.
I'd pay 20.00 to see that.
Maybe it's an expectation he has from American media; that setting up a debate with a liberal requires it to be balanced out with three to four neoconservatives. So maybe he'll agree if Ezra Levant, Jonathan Kay, Michael Coren and...well, I guess that's all we've got...represent his side.
God, that would be great. The ensuing libel-a-palooza would be a spectacle for the ages.
You have got to watch Steyn on Tuesday's The Agenda on TVO. The unlettered ponce veritably soiled himself.
You have got to watch Steyn on Tuesday's The Agenda on TVO.
I couldn't stop giggling over the "What is wrong with Mark Steyn?" caption that kept appearing.
I loved all the yelling he people off-camera when he was on-camera and to people on-camera when he was off-camera.
I'm downgrading him from "ponce" to "yob." Christ, an authentic yob, Michael Coren, has better manners.
that setting up a debate with a liberal requires it to be balanced out with three to four neoconservatives
right, always rigorous with the logic eh ti-guy. just like steyn actually debated 3 of his opponents by himself on TVO, and they were the ones who were scared sh!tless of debating him.
"Make sure he doesnt yell at us please" HAHAHAHAHA, I cracked up.
and you should really check out the guy, when one of the girls is talking - he keeps on making twisted contortions of his face or muttering something it looks like he's trying to invoke Lord Voldemort or something.
right, always rigorous with the logic eh ti-guy. just like steyn actually debated 3 of his opponents by himself on TVO.
None of those people were his opponents and he hijacked the show to insist they have a debate they hadn't agreed to.
and they were the ones who were scared sh!tless of debating him.
They didn't look scared to me. They looked like three people who were well aware of the futility of debating an unlettered, racist yob.
Jermo, go mail another perfume-infused and lipstick-smeared mash note to the Robber Baron's Catamite. He's probably feeling a little brittle and dejected right now and could use the support.
he keeps on making twisted contortions of his face or muttering something it looks like he's trying to invoke Lord Voldemort or something.
God, Steyniacs are so uneducated. If only they'd read, they'd be able to bulk up their blather will decent cultural references, rather than with references to children's movies.
Ask Steyn for his list of the tomes of quotable quotes he uses to feign erudition, Jermo.
God, Steyniacs are so uneducated. If only they'd read, they'd be able to bulk up their blather will decent cultural references, rather than with references to children's movies.
hey if you want to do some worthwhile reading yourself, check out , written by two prominent NDP members, about why the left is completely wrong on Afghanistan.
I meant books, Jermo, boo..
Oh never mind.
If I ever got the impression these Bisphenol A-addled hermaphrodites (seriously, most of you sound, long past puberty, as if your testicles hadn't even dropped) had ever managed to read Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom or even one of Ayn Rand's stupid books, I'd be impressed.
And anyway, who wants to follow dessicated hippie holdover Terry Glavin and his post-sellout yuppie campaign to find himself and his demographic fascinating and relevant until the rest of us are so sick of it we'll have no other choice but to make them all into little green crackers?
...blah blah blah dessicated hippie holdover Terry Glavin and his post-sellout yuppie campaign to find himself and his demographic fascinating and relevant until... blah blah blah ...we'll have no other choice but to make them all into little green crackers?
Jesus Ti-Guy, what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you think riddling your mindless drivel with, as you would call them, "cultural references", somehow means you have a relevant argument? What a fucking tool you are. The thing is, you keep getting worse. Watching you self-destruct live online as whatever degenerative brain-wasting disease you have consumes you isn't even fun anymore. Can't you find some hospice to take you in... and keep you away from the Internet?
Some obnoxious jerk was being interviewed by George Strombolopolous last night. I watched long enough to confirm it was Steyn, and turned it off. Yob about sums it up.
Im curious what they would debate about. Kinsella has said he doesnt think the MacLeans complaints have merit. Whats to discuss?
What the Macleans case tells us about the use of HRCs and Section 13, for two things.
Jesus Ti-Guy, what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you think riddling your mindless drivel with *hiss* *squeal* *snarl* *yip* *yip* *yip *bark* *bark* *bark* *bark*...
Previously, at BCL:
Ti-Guy, why don't you shut the fuck up and quit poisoning every conversation you get involved in? Think you could do that? Go back to spewing hate on My Blahg if you must. Maybe you could compliment McClelland on his latest crayon graph in which he "proves" that high taxes are actually good for us. Just quit fouling the comment sections of blogs I actually enjoy reading.
This could have turned into an interesting discussion about the death penalty. At very least, it could have continued along the same lines as BCL's post, and resulted in some humourous exchanges about execution methods. Instead, we get to read your verbal incontinence in every second comment. I swear, your presence in any comment section is the Web equivalent of vandalism. Now fuck off and drink some methyl hydrate. Please.
Raging Ranter, November 5, 2007
Ti-Guy, like all narcissists, you have very poor self-awareness and self-regulation. I understand. It's not your fault. But you might want to stick to areas where you are competent. That would be gratuitous profanity, paranoid accusations, and random attacks against your perceived enemies (i.e. anyone who disagrees with you, thus threatening your inflated, fragile ego). Humour is definitely NOT your calling.
Raging Ranter, November 18, 2007
More elsewhere as Raging Ranter follows me around the blogosphere.
Raging Ranter lurks and seethes (and maybe sock-puppets just a little bit) and then all of a sudden explodes like this all the time. He's like someone whose arse has been smoldering for a while and who only notices it when it finally sparks. That's why I call him Flaming Panties.
What I love is that any number of wingnut trolls can disrupt discussions and be as foul-mouthed and stupid as they want and he doesn't care; I'm the only he favours with his alcohol-fueled outbursts.
Stop embarrasing yourself, you ugly pantload.
Not able to illegitimately use HRC's to stifle Steyn expressing his opinion, the lefties are now attempting to bludgeon Steyn over the lefties latest non-issue.
Steyn was sent an invitation. It is neither mandatory he attend or reply. And only a fool would take Kinsella's word as the unbridled truth on the matter. (Make that two fools, BCL and ti-guy)
The attempts so far to humiliate Steyn have been pathetic. I expected better of you guys.
It is neither mandatory he attend or reply.
Really? We thought that if we mocked Steyn enough, the RCMP would round him up and force him to attend.
Notice how Tighties see fascism everywhere. Doubtless projection.
I expected better of you guys.
Oh, c'mon. I'm sure even you don't believe you wrote that.
You sit on BCL's lap, so keep an eye on him ti-guy. I'm worried he's working himself up into hysterics over this issue.
Thanks for the little walk down memory lane there Ti-Guy. I had forgotten about those exchanges. There's been so many.
Paul, you don't have to worry about BCL. Rabid liberalism notwithstanding, he's quite grounded. Certainly he's sensible enough to stay completely away from Ti-Guy in real life. I think his allowing Ti-Guy to comment here is just a community service. If Ti-Guy is typing his latest tantrums and insults on the Internet, he'll be too busy to do any REAL damage in the real world. BCL is making a genuine contribution to community safety in that regard, and I commend him for it.
Certainly he's sensible enough to stay completely away from Ti-Guy in real life. I think his allowing Ti-Guy to comment here is just a community service. If Ti-Guy *hiss* *squeal* *oh that bitch*...
Jesus, Flaming Panties, you're such a mean girl. I feel like I'm in high school, being tormented by Heather who's talking smack about me all over school.
You really need to sober up, lose some weight and start dating. You're over 30 now, and you're creeping me out.
For anyone who cares...if you insult Flaming Panties, he'll call you a prison bitch too. Try's loads of fun.
No, I reserve the prison bitch insults for those who have actually spent time there (you). Unfortunately for all of us, the halfway house does not monitor Internet usage as strictly as Kingston did, so we're exposed to even more of your nonsensical ramblings than usual.
"Holly Stick said...
ranter, Ti-guy achieves funniness pretty often. You? not yet.
12:35 PM
Raging Ranter said...
Holly Stick - is that some kind of prison bitch nickname? If you laugh at pompous narcissists as they throw their infantile tantrums, that's your problem. Or maybe your sense of humour is just really "sophisticated" like Ti-Guy's.
6:17 PM
Holly Stick said...
If I laughed at pompous narcissists as they threw their infantile tantrums, I'd be laughing at you, ranter. But you're still not even that entertaining. Yawn.
11:02 PM"
September 27, 2007
Plenty more where that came from...There's a lovely exchange where "Len" calls you "Ranting Fatty."
Ah yes, good 'ol Lenny. I was pointing out how the Kyoto Klowns are actually dismantling the tropical rainforest with their stupid palm oil plans, and he blew a gasket. Ranting Fatty is pretty funny though. I give him full points for originality. Unlike you, who's been using the same spin on my name for over two years now. Christ, there's got to be a million plays on Raging Ranter, yet all you can manage is Flaming Panties? You are pathetic.
Whatever, Fatty.
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