
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Help! I Am Being Stalked By The CPoC!

Well now that's weird. I got the following email from Stéphane at

Hi BigCityLib,

Stéphane wanted to tell you... Having trouble setting priorities? Friends don't know what they speak about? Billions of dollars of spending promises got you in a big debt hole? Well don't worry. If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is an answer. A permanent new tax on everything!If you agree click here.

Weird in that I didn't ask to get email when I visited the site, so this must mean someone in the party has taken time to read the blog and send me an annoying email...on a Sunday, no less! That's Scary! It's like I'm being followed by "PC" in the Mac commercial. Has anyone else got these this morning? Maybe we can report this guy (it must be a guy) to the DWEEB police.

Just kidding Stephane. But you should try and get out in the sun a bit.


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    BCL - I visited the site and I haven't been sent an email from the site so it doesn't seem to be automatically generated.

  2. I visited the site and I haven't been sent an email from the site so it doesn't seem to be automatically generated.

    That's not what BCL means. It would be illegal pretty much for you to be sent an email just by visiting a site. the text of the email with the header.

    This is bizarre. Maybe the site generates retarded emails like that automatically?

    It's even been crafted to sound like Dion's English.

    You know...I have an acquaintance who ran (and lost) as a Reform candidate years ago (he got conned into thinking Reform meant, you know...reform). He ended up concluding that the Reformies were insane.

  3. You may want to get rid of that link. It tracks the people who follow it.

  4. I visited the domain without the specific tracking part. Someone either wanted to tip me off about it, or spammed me with it too.

    I thought it was parody, but that's the Conservative Party for you...

  5. The Tories didn't listen to Dion - he said it hard setting priorities - well, yes it's obvious the Tories failed setting priorties - they should have listened to Dion.

  6. It has to be input somewhere...

    Well, he would know, what with all the email addresses he adds to NAMBLA's mailing list.
