
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zytaruk Speaks, Briefly, And Perhaps A Wee Mystery Is Solved

Former FBI special agent Bruce Koenig reported, of the Zytaruk tape, that there were:

...irregularities in the copy tape and portions where an earlier recording had been taped over...

Alan Gough, one of the other experts that Harper's Tories hired to review the tape, reported that it was:

...not a continuous recording of one conversation.

"The interruption of words, changes of background ambiance, and changes of frequency response indicate that this may be three separate recordings. Any further analysis of these anomalies should be performed on the original recording and not on a copy," Gough said...

I contacted Mr. Zytaruk himself yesterday about these comments, and this morning he emailed me as follows:

The Harper interview was taped over another interview I did with someone else earlier that week.

So perhaps that explains that. Zytaruk recycled some audio-tape. Of course, unless the "someone else" could be mistaken Harper on the tape, and unless they too mentioned something about "financial considerations", this goes no distance towards showing that the tape was "doctored".

In fact, if this is ALL the Tory experts were complaining about, then I'd say it has the opposite effect.

1 comment:

  1. You're the one making the assumption that it's all they have, right? Seems like a rather week assumption to me.

    The Tories aren't afraid to have Zytraruk's original tape submitted in court as evidence. On the other hand, Zytaruk has been afraid to have that same tape submitted for independent analysis of any kind.
