
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Life On Mars?

The White House has been alerted by NASA about plans to make an announcement soon on major new Phoenix lander discoveries concerning the "potential for life" on Mars, scientists tell Aviation Week & Space Technology.

The rumours are flying, but most likely this is a follow-up to the previously announced find that martian soils are really quite Earthlike, to the point where you could probably grown certain Earth plants in them.

On the other hand, maybe they've dug up a dead mouse.


  1. Meh. "Potential for life" doesn't sound all that exciting, considering how every conceivable environment on Earth currently favours life. With the exception of the wombs of progressive women, natch.

    I want to see a minimum of enzymes or proteins, or I shall proclaim, with portentous and far-reaching implications, that this be a non story.


  3. I think that life was there, not beginning but was.
