
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Good Ship Denial, Part Duh

This is probably "inside baseball" type stuff of limited interest, but what the hell...

Industry lobbyist David Wojick has given up ownership of the climatesceptics mailing list, citing dissatisfaction with the direction of the list. Co-owner and moderator John Shotsky has taken over. Here's a glimpse of John in action (on a different list):

You seem to forget one thing....EMF's can be measured. No one has been able to validate any of your whacky ideas because no validation of any part of it has happened. It hasn't happened, because it is a crock of shit. You cannot measure what is not there.So why don't you crawl back in your hole and leave reasonable people to debate what is even possible? Haven't you learned from all the other groups that have kicked you and your crackpot ideas off?

Get real. Even better, get a client, seeing as you're a lawyer, not a scientist.Let me repeat that - NOT a scientist.


The membership of climatesceptic includes such luminaries of the denialist movement as Tim Ball and Ernst Beck. It is often where you see "refutations" of AGW appear first, before they get fed up the chain to MSM outlets like Fox News. The list's most impressive accomplishment has probably been FREEPING the crap out of Hans von Storch and Dennis Bray's second on-line survey of climate scientists, thus rendering suspect an important piece of scientific research.

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