
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wooing The Voters By Insulting The Voters

From (you guessed it!) a blog, this time the campaign diary for Ottawa Centre's Tory offering, Brian McGarry:

Brian and the canvass team were working in a very exclusive high-rise condominium complex – one of those places where the condos are very expensive, but the poll goes to the NDP. 'La gauche caviar,' we used to call them when I lived in France; 'silver spoon socialists' they call them here.

This is dated September 17th. If you live in a Ottawa condo visited by Mr. McGarry in days immediately previous, congratulations, there is a good chance he thinks you're a commie.

Kady's post is quite apropos.

H/t Amy.

(Note: in fairness, these are the words of a campaign staffer. But presumably Mr. McGarry knows how to read.)


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Still desperately seeking anything, any hope, any tidbit to try and stop the bleeding from the almost cadaver that is the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Have a nice suicide. Couldn't happen to nicer folks.

  2. The hardcore shit comes down tomorrow...Ezra, my darling. Stay tuned.

  3. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Uh, isn't there rumblings about this guy also being in a similar position to Terry Kilrea? I guess morticians don't have the integrity as officers of the court...

  4. ". . . from the almost cadaver that is the Liberal Party of Canada." - wanna bet

    Why do cadavers always get a bad rap? They perform a useful (though gruesome) function in society. There's no reason the Liberals can't be as useful as a cadaver.

  5. They perform a useful (though gruesome) function in society.

    Well, you would know. You have sex with them.
