
Monday, October 13, 2008

...And The Group He Founded Hates Morgentaler

OTTAWA — A Conservative candidate’s suggestion that a private clinic be used as a model for health delivery across Canada prompted opposition charges that Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to expand for-profit health care outside the public system.

Peter Kent made the comment during a recent campaign debate in Toronto’s Thornhill riding.

Buckets and myself have been trying to figure out why the group Peter Kent founded, the CCD, whose mandate says nothing about Canada's abortion laws (or lack thereof), appears on a list of organizations supporting the Canada Family Action Coalition complaint to the Judicial Council (.pdf here) re Henry Morgentaler's receiving the Order of Canada. In fact all I've got for my troubles in this direction are some vague legal-sounding threats from the CCD's President Al Gordon .

Nevertheless, they DO appear on this list, and nobody will say why.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In fact all I've got for my troubles in this direction are some vague legal-sounding threats from the CCD's President Al Gordon .

    Now, why oh why is Al Gordon on the defensive?

    NOTE TO SELF: Watch for name of Al Gordon to come up again.

  3. Biggest irony of all...Morgantaler supports private delivery.

    Funny eh?
