
Thursday, October 16, 2008

CanWest Stocks Now Worth Less Than Their Weight In Toilet Paper

Bourrie has the news. $1.30 per.

I'm going over to their building on Don Mills to throw dimes at the windows. See if anyone comes out to fetch them.


  1. High Rise is looking for an advice columnist and a pack mule for local delivery. I offer that in case fils et mère Kay are lurking, which they doubtless are.

  2. I have a huge bowl of nickels and dimes I can lend you :-)

  3. "CanWest Stocks Now Worth Less Than Their Weight In Toilet Paper"

    Oh, goodie!

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    To someone that has worked in the media and observed how sales departments really work, Canwest has been showing some very scary, Enron-like symptoms for a while.

    The takeover of Alliance/Atlantis really took it over the top. They are bleeding cash and it shows in the programming.

    They have totally abandoned their CRTC licence mandates...unless Revenge of the Nerds II on the Lone Star channel is now suddenly a western film...

  5. Speaking of CRTC mandate, I figure every time that Global announcer recites US program factoids as bumpers during prime time show, they are being registered as Canadian content.

    Not only did they take over Alliance-Atlantis (which was already a merger) but they have TV and Radio stations in Australia and New Zealand I believe.

  6. Lonestar no longer exists. They changed the name to "Movietime" a little over a week ago.

    Most licensing terms are so broad that it's easy enough to completely change the theme of the channel while staying within the license terms, i.e.

    TalkTV --> MTV

    (Craig) MTV --> (CHUM) Razer --> (CTV) MTV2

    Prime --> TVTropolis

    The NZ stations have been sold, but they still control Network 10 in Australia.

    Seems only fair their stock should be worth less than their weight in toilet paper. Their "newspapers" have long been worth less than used toilet paper.
