Didn't watch the debate last night, but I notice that Dion's "30 day Plan" seems to be getting a fair bit of play in the morning papers. I'm not the only one to notice, either; the CPoC is practicing a little damage control. From their website:
Dion’s gimmicky promise to address global economic uncertainty with a magic 30-day plan to have a bunch of meetings is already being panned as a failed and shallow publicity stunt. Oh, and also nowhere to be found in his platform released just last week.
Of course, with Tory initiatives it is impossible to say whether they are in the Harper platform, or not in the Harper platform, as there is no platform to be part of.
And this is what happens when you run your campaign as a series of disconnected announcements and disparate photo ops; the guys with the plan get the headlines, the guys without issue defensive press releases.
The Liberals issued a press release on this yesterday....considering the US situation of late, you'd think all parties would have a plan.