
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Bet They Had Their Fingers Crossed

OTTAWA– Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae have struck an informal non-aggression pact in a bid to avoid turning the coming Liberal leadership contest into another divisive showdown between the two perceived front-runners.

Rae said today the two men have reached an understanding that the race must be kept civil and respectful.

Yeah, and Rae has already sent supporter Ray Heard out to trash-talk Iggy on Conservative news sites.

The last leadership race was fun. This one already looks to become an embarrassment, but I'm sure it will achieve its own form of trashy glory before all is said and done. Hair will get pulled, spectacles get broken. Iggy will step on a rake. Twice. And accidentally set his own tie on fire. And randomly accuse the Latverians of war-crimes.


  1. I can hardly wait.

    This is going to be like a series of dysfunctional marriage counseling sessions.

  2. I wonder who which one will be the first to draw blood?

  3. As I sardonically said in my blog about the non-aggression pact, Historically, these have usually worked out well.

  4. Glad to see you've taken it up, RB. There go half my exclusive stories though.

  5. Thanks, BCL. However at this point I have no plans to use the blog for anything more than snarky one-liners, fluff and, of course, doggy art.

    When I know something that has the potential to become a legit news story, my primary concern is for it to get the widest possible distribution. One thing I've learned, to my chagrin, over the last couple of elections is how reluctant the MSM are to actually break a story

  6. Ray Heard supported Ken Dryden in the leadership run, and Peter Kent over Susan Kadis, who supported Bob Rae.

    I don't know any of the people involved, and never heard of Ray Heard until this started up, but the connection to Bob Rae seems somewhat tenuous, unless it's well hidden. I can't see him as one of Rae's minions. Strikes me more as a loose cannon all players would like to see shut the hell up.
