
Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Price Of Being A Big Tent Party

LIFESITENEWS: And what are the more positive things that you have seen in the election campaign?
DOUGLAS: Without going riding by riding, there are a fair number of candidates out there who are taking a strong stand for life. So, I'm hoping that when the election is over on Tuesday we'll find that we have a good contingent of pro-lifers in the main parties that we can work with.

LIFESITENEWS: I presume those would be only Conservatives and Liberals. Is that correct?


Clearly, earlier reports of Anti-Abortion Green and NDP candidates were incorrect.

PS. Sorry if the posts are getting a bit cryptic. The family has arrived and we are all doing the Thanksgiving thing.

1 comment:

  1. They. can pretend to take whatever stand they want. They all know that the leadership of their parties will not allow this issue to come up. The only life Cheryl gallant is "pro" is her own. Only thing she's doing or will ever do in Ottawa is line her own pockets through the MP pension fund. The same goes for the rest of them.
