
Saturday, December 20, 2008

WTBA Moves On Slump

Buckets has a letter from Vice President Dan Doherty:

Dear Readers

The Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association has contacted Ernie Slump (BC Chair) for clarification of his questionable comments. Consequentially, Mr. Slump and the WBTA have mutually decided to dissolve the relationship based on incompatible philosophies.

I would like to clarify our position on this matter; our policy is one of inclusion therefore the Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association does not support any offensive remarks and or actions, particularly regarding ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

The Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association is not a political party but an association formed to gather information and garner support for a political party yet to be selected.

Warmest Regards
Dan Doherty
Vice President

Well, good on Mr. Doherty and Co. The WTBA wants to be treated as a "serious" organization, and this kind of move will go some ways towards achieving that end. Now they might approach their policy chair Sheldon Johnston re some of the apparently inaccurate statements in his CV.


  1. ...the Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association does not support any offensive remarks and or actions, particularly regarding ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    Jeeze, they'll be singing kumbaya before you know it.

    I'm having a hard time buying this. Maybe Dan is being sincere or maybe he, like a lot of right wingers, knows that bigotry and racism are just too tough to sell these days and have to be jettisoned more for reasons of strategy than out of principle.

  2. BigCityLib,

    I am alarmed by the tone of your website in posting inflamatory remarks against an identifiable group which is hate speech in itself. I would refrain from any further character assassinations or you could be the target of a complaint against your interests. As for inaccurate information on the website, please see my comments under Friday's entry.

  3. What identifiable group?

  4. Bitter old white men i think is the the identifiable group. Obsession with teh NEP has driven them insane.

  5. I am sure that many in Eastern Canada view all Westerners as being "bigots" and "racists", or are "coo coo" as TiGuy labelled me. The accusations against Quebec Separatists in 1995 was the same. It seems to be a favorite past-time of many Ontarians to tar and feather anyone outside their province who question their view of the rightfulness of the East's domination of Canada.

    But facts are facts.

    The fact is that many Easterners enjoy voting in ridings close to one quarter the electoral size of ridings in the West. Compare Charlottetown with Calgary:

    Is this fair Jay? TiGuy?

    Before labelling me as being racist or bigotted, why don't you tell your Eastern friends to start making elections fair for all Canadians. Until you do, I think you should refrain from name calling.

  6. The WTBA should appoint wsjohnston to a post just so they can remove him from it.

    What a douchebag.

  7. swjohnston, please don't presume to speak for all Western Canadians. You certainly don`t speak for me and I don`t feel that BigCityLib or Ti-Guy are lumping all Western Canadians together in their critical comments regarding your organization and the concept of Western separation in general.

  8. Point taken...I apologize for any generalizations. I have always been angered by name calling against any political group. I don't believe BigCityLib was "lumping" either, and his latest comments seemed much fairer.
    Merry Christmas

  9. The fact is that many Easterners enjoy voting in ridings close to one quarter the electoral size of ridings in the West. Compare Charlottetown with Calgary:

    Anyone can play that game --

    Calgary Centre (Alta.) 124,197

    Mississauga - Brampton South (Ont.) 136,470
    Mississauga - Erindale (Ont.) 143,361
    Mississauga - Streetsville (Ont.) 130,033
