
Friday, December 12, 2008

Your Daily Nazi: Warman And Farber Fight 'Em, While Speechys Ponder Their Very Existence

American Neo-Nazi Bill White is being charged with making death threats, based on the testimony of Canuck Nazi hunters Bernie Farber and Richard Warman. Good news, made weird by the strange role Mr. White has played in the on-going Canadian Speechy Wars.

You see, back in April free speech warrior Ezra Levant publicly questioned Mr. White's very existence, instead theorizing that he might be a CHRC sock-puppet:

I, too, would have believed that the CHRC's Ian Fine received the bigoted e-mails he describes, and I even would have believed that Richard Warman was threatened by a man in the U.S. named Bill White.


But after last month's day-long hearing, where we learned that the CHRC regularly confects such bigoted comments themselves and goes to great (and sometimes illegal) lengths to hide their tracks, I just can't take any claims from the CHRC or Warman seriously that rely on Internet comments, the provenance of which cannot be independently verified.

And the "Bill White" Internet site -- well, let's just say that Mr. White, who has never been seen in body, only online, has come in handy on quite a few occasions for the CHRC and Warman, such as when Warman and the Canadian Jewish Congress tried to get the Canadian government to permit them to block foreign websites from Canadian Internet users.


It may well be that the e-mails to Fine were sent by someone other than his own staff. And it may well be that there is somebody named Bill White who is not just another sock puppet for Warman, Dean Steacy and others. It could be. And, with any other group of people, that would be the normal thing to assume. But we're long past the point where the CHRC can be regarded as normal, and where their statements -- even under oath -- can be believed without independent verification.

The madness continued unabated--Nay! was cranked to 11 on the crazy-scale--in Ezra's comments section. For example, Connie Fournier from FreeDominion showed up:

The thing about Bill White is that even the people who proudly call themselves 'Nazis' or 'white nationalists' seem to think he is about as genuine as Grant Bristow.

Ezra is 100% correct when he says we can't believe anything our opponents say anymore.

Then suspected Lemire sock-puppet Fourhorses made an appearance! Eventually, the whole gang arrived!

Nor was the mood of cheerful paranoia spoiled when Mr. White himself crashed the party:

I know, Jew Levant, that when you look upon a God, you see only the radiant light of a soul you know you can never possess.

However, I assure you, I am not merely an ethereal apparition of the God of the Light and Order, opposed eternally to your race of demons, but I have material form as well.

A brief search of Google will yield plenty of photographs and news accounts of my actual presence among men.

(As an aside, give Mr. White credit: this guy knows how to hate. Shaidle, MacMillan and their crew-- they're nothing but wannabes next to him)

No, they didn't let Bill White get them down at Ezra's place, because they figured it couldn't be a real Neo-Nazi writing this stuff, it had to be...wait for it...Richard Warman pretending to be a Neo-Nazi so as to...somehow...infiltrate...well, at this point things get a bit obscure.

In any case, that's how bent this debate has become, when the Speechy movement goes beyond arguing that no limitations on expression are justified in stopping the spread of Neo-Nazis, to denying that they have corporeal being.


  1. Connie over at FD, today: "It seems that a lot of the self-proclaimed "Nazis" think [Bill White] is a fake." One wonders how she knows this.

  2. It escapes me completely why these people worship freedom of expression to the extent they do. It's not a freedom they take all that seriously, after all.

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Ti-Guy it is not freedom of speech they worship, its the ability to be free to hurl epithets hateful and otherwise that they dream of.

    Bill White is their new albatross. Clearly people like Warman and Farber target the White's of the world and any sane rational human being can now see that and understand it. This story makes them look like hateful bigots if they come out in any support of White which is clearly what they want to do. It also (thank you BCL) again points out how often Ezra lies, fulminates and exagerrates when he tries to make his point. His credibility is now hitting an all time low. He is worshipped only by his like minded fellow-travellers

  4. "In any case, that's how bent this debate has become, when the Speechy movement goes beyond arguing that no limitations on expression are justified in stopping the spread of Neo-Nazis, to denying that they have corporeal being."

    Bill White is obviously a rogue AI.

    Thanks for this post, BCL. Quite amusing.

  5. Based on your quotes, White is a better writer than Levant, at any rate.

  6. You mean its a surprise that Ezra lies?

  7. Holly - talk about damning with faint praise.

    Mitka - no surprise that Ezra lies, but pretending a real, living American person is instead an invention of the Canadian Human Rights Commission is a rather audacious lie, even for as accomplished a liar as Ezra. That's the kind of lie that would even have Stephen Harper saying, "Whoa, dude, I can't believe you had the stones to say that."

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "Mitka - no surprise that Ezra lies, but pretending a real, living American person is instead an invention of the Canadian Human Rights Commission is a rather audacious lie, even for as accomplished a liar as Ezra. That's the kind of lie that would even have Stephen Harper saying, "Whoa, dude, I can't believe you had the stones to say that."

    Well said RB

  9. Considering that White has a pretty well publicized history being a media shit disturber as far as 1998, Levant is either stupid, has terrible research skills or he's a liar who doesn't believe the Canadian people are clever enough to use Google.

  10. Why are you not considering the strong possibility he's all three?

  11. Anonymous3:11 PM

    What has always irked me is that he believes (maybe with some cause) that he gets away with his lies.

    I documented some on a blog I use to run (unfortunately life got in the way) and it still amazes me that people like Farber basically just ignore some of the most vile lies he vomits against him.

    Glad you keep the focus on his lies here though.

  12. Anonymous9:52 PM

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