
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Budget 2009: So Far, So Good

Making it easier for municipalities to access Federal funding seems an obvious amendment, since the cities are already starting to bitch:

Canada's municipalities have complained that billions of dollars already allocated from Ottawa's existing seven-year, $33-billion infrastructure program have not been spent because of delays in negotiating program details with the provinces, and red tape in approving projects.

Meanwhile, the only "green money" in the budget seems a pittance ($750 mill) earmarked to support nuclear energy and carbon sequestration. That's pathetic, given that car sales-men are getting $12,000,000,000. Why not propose that certain strings be attached to the home reno tax credit, or sweeten the pot a little for improvements that can be demonstrated to enhance energy efficiency?

The point will be, I think, to offer a smorgasbord of amendments and not commit to any of them in particular. Thus, if any are accepted--and I think there is a good chance some will be (see Impolitical's post through first link)--the Libs can claim victory and go home.

Not that there isn't a lot of bad stuff in there. I have read (though haven't got the details yet) that the document attempts to weaken pay equity laws.

But is there anything that can't be killed in committee?

Meanwhile, headlines like Government's fate now rests with Ignatieff and Government's fate now rests with Ignatieff are good news in that they raise Iggy's profile. Interesting how Layton and Duceppe have essentially written themselves off the front page by showing their hand too soon.


  1. "Interesting how Layton and Duceppe have essentially written themselves off the front page by showing their hand too soon."

    Yes, the "real opposition" is on the sidelines, looking predictable and partisan.

  2. You libs have fooled yourselves into believing there's an upside to playing pass the turd with the cons.

  3. The budget is essentially regressive on energy efficiency and climate change. The green infrastructure and the home retrofitting funds work out to less than 5% of the funds allotted to infrastructure and homes -- we'll need another flux of cash in a few years to retrofit all the energy inefficient building and road construction.
