
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Don't Like The Sounds Of This

The Canadian Nuclear Association is hosting a wing-ding on the dawn of the "nuclear Renaissance" and place is going to be chock-a-block with Conservative politicians, including Lisa Raitt, Brad Wall, and Hugh Seagal.

Even T-Rex is showing up to use a lotta 12 syllable words to insult environmentalists with.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    No worries, Dulton will keep your coal fired plants going forever because they are cheaper than Nukes and because he knows no lights, no cooking, no heat and no AirCon = defeat at the polls.

    Everyone loves Ontario for the leadership it takes on reducing the use of carbon based energy.

    Right ?

  2. Whooee! Yer right as rain, FreddyBoy. Ontariariario ain't any leader when it comes to ol' Mother Earth. Ginty's earmarked $26 for new nuke plants. Nukes ain't any sorta answer to carbon; especially, in the short term. In the long term, nukes'll bankrupt our great grandchildren while they're tryin' to safeguard the stockpiles of radioactive poison we're pilin' up today so's we can waste energy like there's o tomorrow.

    None o' that new nuke energy'll come online fer 15-20 years... if ever. They sometimes hafta give up on dumbass nukes like Maple 1 & Maple 2.


  3. $26 Billion, that is. D'oh!

  4. Anonymous6:49 PM

    but Father Suzuki and Bishop Gore from the Global Church of Climate Scientology say Nukes are bad, bad for the environment, bad for people, bad for polar bears.

    What are ya gonna do with Dulton ? He's a kil'n yer economy with fake greenie jobs that are really just subsidized by other taxpayers and polluting all yer land & rivers.

    Poor Ontario. Maybe y'all should start kissing some Quebec ass and see if they'll sell ya some clean green hydro power instead of shipping it cross the border to them evil yanks.

    Charest would love to have his ass kissed by Dulton. Be good for Confederation.

  5. but Father Suzuki and Bishop Gore from the Global Church of Climate Scientology say Nukes are bad, bad for the environment, bad for people, bad for polar bears.

    The camps can't come too soon.
