
Friday, February 27, 2009

Free Speech Don't Feed The Bulldog, Part Duh

Wine and Cheese with Ezra Levant, a bold defender of our fundamental human rights, is our keynote speaker. A conservative publisher and current columnist, he played a large role in the formation of both the Reform and Canadian Alliance parties (pre-cursors to today's Conservative Party of Canada). He understands politics, people and change. He is committed to life-affirming actions and attitudes. Ezra now works as a lawyer in Calgary and is a sought-out speaker and advocate for life issues.

Apparently The Ez now lectures on "pro-life" issues and works for cheese.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wine and Cheese with Ezra Levant

    Shouldn't that be "Whine and Sleaze with Ezra Levant"?
