
Saturday, February 14, 2009

There's A $5 Donation To Your Legal Fund Waiting, Tom Zytaruk

It's sitting right on my desk, if you decide to sue those pricks.

Hey, I'm not made of money...


  1. If he has an actionable claim, why isn't he seeking counsel to take the case on contingency? I think the Tories would fold pretty quickly once counsel demanded discovery of documents and issued interrogatories. It sounds like a pretty straight forward action.

  2. Everyone's suing or threatening to sue.

    I'm completely engrossed in the little drama between Warren Kinsella and some online derelict. The mild amusement it provides in seeing the usual wingnuts come out (BlazingCatsAss, Jay 'Asshole' Currie and NAMBLA-Richard Evans) and opine on matters legal is always a treat.

  3. $5? Thats like a minute or so of a big city lawyers time.
