
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Don't Use The National Post For Anything But Fish Wrap

Put aside the content for a moment, this is supposed to be a message from the Leader of the Opposition, who may become PM someday:So far so good: no misspellings in the title, which believe it or not is not a slam dunk in the NP. But then, about 30 lines in,Bung Job! Or, put it another way: either Iggy's a moron, or somebody on the NP editorial staff is. I know where I'm placing my bets.

And then, a little later...Iggy apparently breaks into free verse!

Seriously, if you wrote this stuff up in grade school you'd get flunked, and 30 seconds worth of proof-reading could have fixed everything. What are they thinking over there? "Six days, and darkness, sweet darkness, shall claim us all!"


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Put aside the content for a moment,
    When can we get to the content, because it's a specious piece of logic that can be summarize by "Israel can do no wrong"....

  2. Cherniak-WTF has attention deficit disorder. You are talking about the NP and he/she takes every opportunty to trash and bash.

    Cherniak-WFT - can't you stay on topic? Get help.

  3. After assiduously courting conservatives for the past couple of months, I am sure Iggy will move to the center any time now. Any time.

  4. Iggy's name is attached to this piece, thus he wrote it, and is accountable for the content. Iggy is a neocon lite and squarely showing his hawkism imperialistic streaks.

    He is moving the liberal party to the "right" and marking this as "centre." Only in his and neocon world is that considered centre. Liberal rank and file just have to figure out if they consider that their "centre too".

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    RuralSandi, do you enjoy fellating Iggy? Because you seem to do it with an ardour only comparable to the BloringTories and their love of Harper...

    As Jan has pointed out, this is an article from Iggy - hardly bashing/trashing Iggy.
    Nope, it seems the one with ADD would be yourself - you can't even gleam the by-line and go into full shrieking mode...

    As for:
    Or, put it another way: either Iggy's a moron, or somebody on the NP editorial staff is.
    I'd say a little bit of both....

  6. Geez Cherniak-WTF - am I supposed to feel insulted, threatened, upset by your comments?

    You and janthebruce (who makes her living on the "public" payroll) seems to have a lot of time on her hands to troll around the blogosphere - get back to work. Aren't you public employees always griping about too much work, too little pay. Earn it, damn it.

    Good grief - Ignatieff or any other writer isn't responsible for the poor layout by the National Post - no qualified print setters any more? Or did they have to let them go?

  7. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Rural, I don't give a fuck, really, but you are no better than the twatwaffles on Connie side.

    It is amusing to see you decent into full neocon mode. So what if jan is on the public payroll - that's a cheap smear attempt that is reminiscent of what connies would do.
    Hey, I once pilfered a pencil from the army based I worked at - maybe you can turn that into a full blown indignation and attack on my moral character?

    For the most part, public employees are doing a good job, the problem is usually the management - direct a little of anger towards them if you really must...

    As for placing the blame on the NP for the poor layout, this is likely an error from the SOURCE of the op-ed/comment. Likely copied/pasted from whatever staffer emailed the text. It seems that there are odd line breaks - so it's likely error from the SOURCE - and one would assume that it's the Liberal Party.

    It would not surprise me given the level of ineptitude that we saw with the Dion video...

    So for all your posturing Rural, maybe it's time that you get a two by clue and stop spouting inane crap - you really do sound like a Conservative fanboy...

    Just so that you understand, the web post is not set by a print setter - it is likely grabbed from their database (raw text file). When converting to the web, errors can slip in that are not due to human negligence. Word documents often have strange formatting that cause havoc for web programs for example.

  8. Good Lord, another installment in "Which Canadian Party gets the Jews."

    If I were Jewish, I'd be insulted. Anyway, the Liberals only want the liberal Jews (which are the majority). The Conservatives can have the batshit crazy ones. The trick is to identify which are which. Perhaps some marker on their clothing or something...

    Denunciation in 3...2...1

  9. Well, I guess I've been told - ooooooo LOL

    A little anger management problem as well - tsk, tsk.

    Anyone got meds to spare for Cherniak-WTF? He's losing it.

  10. "Just so that you understand, the web post is not set by a print setter - it is likely grabbed from their database (raw text file). When converting to the web, errors can slip in that are not due to human negligence. Word documents often have strange formatting that cause havoc for web programs for example."

    That's probably exactly what happened: Copy-pasting from another source directly into the NP's article submission box. Causes problems at the Western Standard, too.

    Still, you'd think someone at the National Post would have, uh, noticed it after publishing and fixed it almost immediately. That's where the negligence comes in.

  11. "Just so that you understand, the web post is not set by a print setter - it is likely grabbed from their database (raw text file). When converting to the web, errors can slip in that are not due to human negligence. Word documents often have strange formatting that cause havoc for web programs for example."

    That's probably exactly what happened: Copy-pasting from another source directly into the NP's article submission box. Causes problems at the Western Standard, too.

    Still, you'd think someone at the National Post would have, uh, noticed it after publishing and fixed it almost immediately. That's where the negligence comes in.

  12. Have you tried soaking the paper in bat's blood?

    Maybe there's something secret written between the lines.

  13. WTF is not a Liberal. He is a no-good dipper troll./

    Don't respond to him and he'll go away.
